out of context

yet another page @ dailynightly

I hear so many things in class and walking around campus that are just really funny and strange that I decided I need a page to keep them for, uh, posterity. I admit they're getting strange and academic as time goes on. Eh.

"I'm gonna drink some fucking wine and read Hemingway."

"Joe, there's a tiny TV in the bathroom and it gets the Dallas game!"

"Apparently, this isn't the Age of Aquarius..."

"The sun is halfway through it's life. What'll it do for it's midlife crisis?"

"Astronauts move like excitable puppies!" (Can you tell I'm going through my old Astronomy notes? I've been quoting people for a while now)

"Captain Obvious strikes again!"

"Whoever made the appropriate sacrifices to the cybergods, I owe you a virgin."

Signs of the apocalypse: "...wars, destruction, brawls down at Renny's..."

"When somebody's been cut with a sword and lost a pint of blood, he doesn't want to go have sex. He wants to lie down."

"This is 'Pee Wee Herman Does Hamlet'"

Fairies in human form: "Boy, that was SOME handsome shepherd..."

"...the biggest badass of all Northumberland..."

"...deranged Santa Claus..."

"I'm not getting any, so there are going to be a few murders around here..."

"if you need me, heres what to do: scream to the sky that you need me (loudly, because God is going blind and deaf), and God (who speaks to me through my lunch) will transfer your message to me. I will then blatanly ignore the voice of God, because hey, who listens to pickles?"

"Nez doesnt walk, ya know, he saunters! Ever so Texas like"

"...persistant Bible hippie..."

"i'd like to strangle him with the goddamn strings of his goddamn air guitar." --Elizbeth

"In the last ten years of his life, Shakespeare was concerned with buying a big house in Stratford, not writing fucking English literature!"

"'Clearly' means the author is blowing smoke."

"If my brother was Emperor, I'd feel pretty fucking good."

"I've been a tweedy academic all my life and now I can say rude words!"

"For fuck's sake, I'm wearing snakeskin shoes!"

"Video killed the pornography plot."

Lecture title: "Homosocial Bonds in Othello or What the fuck is up with this Iago dude?"

"This place called college is Satan's paradise!" - One of the tribe known as the Crazy Sign People.

Stolen from the NaNoWriMo "I Dare You" forum:
he: Did you know that 25% of all the sperm in a normal man are defective?
she: That would explain a lot.
he: Yeah, but I can still produce 150 million at a time. I could repopulate the whole earth in a single shot.
she: Don't ever say that again.

"What's wrong with fear?"
"It inhibits you."
"From what?"
"Uh, joining the army?"

"I love how we're giggling randomly and eating snack foods and yet we have smoked no pot." --Martha

"And ever since, I can't stop drawing swastikas."

"You're attracting a lot of attention today. If I had to guess, I'd say you're ovulating."



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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