green leafy goodness

05.04.02 @ 9:15 p.m.

My my I am a prolific girl tonight. No matter. I really like writing in this thing and I don't quite know why. I've lately caught myself thinking in terms of diary entries, as if I were constantly mentally composing new entries.

I'm thinking that my plant needs a name. I've had him since the ASUO Fall Street Faire. (<-arrrgh. I've previously expressed my feelings on the use of superfluous 'e's in the word Faire.) Anyway, he's growing very vigorously, which is good, since I probably don't water him enough and have a tendency to kill plants. His leaves are striped, green with what looks like silver and the undersides of his leaves are purpley. Jodi's family used to have a big potted plant named Henry. Hm. I guess I should water my plant to make sure he lives.

I have to wonder why I think he is a "he"... Especially when my initial assumption about every diarylander is that they are a she unless they're username indicates otherwise. I don't know whether it's because I automatically assume that girls are more likely to keep journals or if it's just that, being a girl, I just read things as having a feminine voice. Maybe I'm prejudiced and think guys can't be articulate ;) Nah, I know too many articulate men. Heck, the Fanatical Apathy forum is full of articulate men. More articulate than me, at any rate. I never have anything clever enough to say, or at least that's the way I feel.

That's one of the things about me... If I don't really have anything to say, I won't say anything. I don't really 'do' small talk. This has apparently frightened E*'s friend Patricia. Patricia, I am told, is afraid of me because I don't talk to her much, and apparently it also scared her one day when I addressed her by name on the phone. Whoops. I don't mean to come off as 'scary.'

I think I'm inspired to write so much by reading Quoted. I'm slowly going back in time by digging through the archives and that's how I got to the thought about my plants needing a name. My plant. Every other plant I've owned has gone to plant heaven or lives in my abandoned garden. Mom took over that garden and sometimes waters it in summer. Oh, and my Japanese maple lives au naturale, planted above Twiggy's grave. (NOT Twiggy the model... Twiggy my old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. My sister used to own the dog and she's responsible for the name. Twiggy's registered name was Tri-star, of all things. The world of purebred dogs is a very odd place to those unfamiliar with it.)

I suppose I'll give o'er the diarying to watch the Judy Dench hour on OPB... A Fine Romance followed by As Time Goes By. Despite what my parents say, I rather like a Fine Romance, and it looks like they may actually have new episodes of it. This one right now is unfamiliar.

Okay, I'm adding something to this entry to avoid starting a new one. It's 9:54 for all you keeping score at home. I was thinking about something earlier today that I meant to write about but promply forgot. About who I would and wouldn't mind reading this diary. I suppose I'm giving my friends a fair chance to find it. I'm not hiding it in any way, but I'm not going to tell them about it or give them the URL. It's posted on GCF and if they really wanted to know my innermost thoughts, they'd look there anyway. At least, that's my excuse for not telling them. They can find it if they go check out GCF but if not, well, I'd rather they not read it anyway. I don't want to have to watch what I say and I won't watch what I say. This is public and that's the risk I take. I don't know why I don't care if strangers read certain things, but I think I just couldn't stand if my friends or family read them. That's why my parents aren't allowed to look at GCF. Especially my dad, although that's partly because in one portion I ranted about how he was being an asshole to me. Anyway.

And if you're out there, anyone, sign the guestbook or leave a note or something. Be polite. Make my day, not in the action hero menacing sort of way, but in the jumping up and down yippee sense.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
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harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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