
06.11.05 @ 8:06 p.m.

I had my graduation ceremony today. It was pleasant, though overcast. I bought sexy slingback high heels to wear and they were more comfortable than I anticipated.

The wonderful part is that my Folklore professor, whose fields of study are punk and apocalypse beliefs (<3 <3 <3) stopped to chat with me after commencement and sincerely recommended a MA in Folklore (even though he said "I don't know what you'd do with that") because he said I was clearly enthused by the subject (I so am! I love Folklore! Folklore4Lyfe!) and a natural at it. I'm so ridiculously pleased. Happy, happy. To be recognized and encouraged by someone you respect is fantastic.

I'm just so happy. It's been such a great day.


06.10.05 @ 7:12 p.m.

There's an old fashioned phone ring in the middle of a song on Get Behind Me Satan, "Take, Take, Take" I think, and even though I don't have a phone that rings like that anymore, I still jump when I hear it.

(So far: I like pretty much all the faster songs.)

rites of passage

06.10.05 @ 12:34 a.m.

I'm ridiculously glad that a month ago Mojo Magazine put on Tommy, HEAD and Quadrophenia, among other films in London. Why does that make me happy? I mean, Mojo evangelizing HEAD isn't new, I have an old issue with a long article on one of my absolute favorite movies and a bizarre influence on my childhood.

And oh lordy, the picture of Pete Townshend in an article on photographer David Steen is stunning. Luckily there's just an ad for an Elvis CD on the back, so it's getting cut out and on my wall. Stunning!

I got my hair cut after asking Martha if I should do it for graduation, and I'm not sure if I regret it or not. What I think I regret is not the current hair cut but that my mom dyed my hair too high, necessitating a lot of cutting. Now it pretty much just touches my shoulders and is poofing out with no weight to hold it down. I'm not thrilled with it, but it isn't terrible and I'd rather not have the fading blue in my hair for graduation.

Speaking of, I went out because I can't decide what to wear under my gown and I needed nice shoes. I bought the shoes (and shopped fruitlessly for a shirt to wear with the gown; I have a green plaid skirt that will do just fine), but tomorrow morning I'm going to exchange them, probably. I bought the black version because my graduation gown is black, but none of the clothes I will likely wear under them will be, and that bothers me. So I think I'll get the brown/tan version, which will go well with my skirt, which has tan in the pattern. I might wear a tan shirt, too, but that doesn't go fantastically with my skin, so maybe the light green. Or I'll buy a different shirt all together.

My big problem is that I can't find any kind of tank tops or cami-tops that I like or that fit me. I have a body that does not go well with off-the-rack clothing, which sucks. And while I am trying to make myself as presentable as possible, I also kind of wonder why I bother, since I very nearly chose not to participate at all. It's more trouble than I thought it would be, certainly.

And all this means I got very little cleaning done today, which means I need to do insane amounts tomorrow. Gah.

Oh well. I bought Get Behind Me Satan, and that'll be something to absorb as I clean.


06.08.05 @ 7:55 p.m.

I have my graduation ceremony on Saturday.

I have to clean the house because my parents and maybe my grandma are coming.

I don't know if I should cut the blue out of my hair or not.

I have to start classes again immediately on Monday.

I spent like $80 on goddamn Ken Kesey books, and I already own Sometimes a Great Notion. I don't particularly like Kesey all that much.

My head is like a giant mucus balloon today. I spent all day sneezing and blowing my nose. I managed to be gracious enough not to hack anything up or spit. Apart from that one time at the bus stop this morning, but there wasn't anyone there to offend.

On the other hand, I'm done with finals. I have at least two days where I have nothing more demanding to do than clean house.

In a week and a half, I'm taking a class from one of my absolute favorite professors, a man who makes me want to take up the study of Folklore though there isn't a lot of practicality to it. Unless I want to, you know, be a folklore professor. And yet, I want to corner Wojcik and ask what the possibilites are.

I also heard maybe the worst colloquialism ever today:

*Two guys exiting an exam*
Guy 1: Dude, so how d'you think you did?
Guy 2: I kicked that test's ass.
Guy 1: Yeah, I raped that thing.


who needs sleep?

06.07.05 @ 11:37 a.m.

I have no idea how I'm still awake. I was up late on Sunday night (can't remember how late) reading Ross Mcdonald books and got up at six to write my final for Detective Fiction. It was due at noon and I got it in at 11 or so. Somewhere along the line I started developing a sore throat. Super-duper. I drove halfway across town for Burger King and got a tiny stuffed Jawa whose eyes light up when you squeeze him.

I slept from 1 until 5:30, then alternately messed around aimlessly and worked on my Feminism final until 4:30 in the morning. I got up at six again and finished it, and I've been home for about two hours, still awake. And even that little bit of time when I did "sleep" contained hardly any sleep at all, probably because I drank about a gallon of tea to keep me awake and focused. I kind of wonder if I have low grade ADD sometimes, because I need some kind of stimulant to make my mind settle in and get to work when it comes to writing papers.

WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TODAY: A fuckton of studying for tomorrow morning's Intro final and some light review for tomorrow afternoon's Geology final, though I'll probably do that between English and Geology, provided there is time between the two. I'm not absolutely certain.

WHY IT SUCKS TO BE ME TODAY: The aforementioned fuckton of studying needs to fit itself in around my desperate need to sleep, my still sore throat, and my body is staging it's monthly revolt against my tyranny and I want to gouge out my uterus with any handy utensil, including the bright green plastic fork from the hot cakes I bought myself for breakfast this morning, which is sitting temptingly in front of me.

Misery misery misery.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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