the first time we met, you were a kennel maid

02.13.05 @ 10:53 p.m.

I'm not going to ruminate on Valentine's Day. There's no point in it. I seriously considered buying little kid valentines and sending them to most of the active posters on Dumbrella, and then I realized that it would run me about $20 in postage. I love Dumbrella, but maybe not that much.

'Twas a weekend of dog shows. On Friday, I drove to school for my noon class so I could just buy some lunch and take off for Portland directly from school, though that was thwarted by my realizing I needed the Norton Anthology of American Literature instead of English Lit, so I had to go back and get it. Not that I did more than 16 pages of reading or so. I'm so hugely behind in all my class readings, it's pitiful.

At first I was told that, in order to sleep in, we would not be showing Bobby in Albany on Saturday, since Pembroke Welsh Corgis were on at 8 and German Shepherds were on at 2. Who really wants to spend seven hours kicking around the Albany fairgrounds? But then we got a call from our corgi breeders, and they told us that it was a tenuous major and if we stayed home, we risked breaking it. (A dog needs 15 points including two majors (3 points or more) to become a champion. The number of dogs needed to create a major varies by breed and region.) So we came, and I'm glad we did. For one thing, I need the practice. I'm really terrible at table work. Bobby fidgets and doesn't want to stay still, partly, I think, because he associates tables with torture (baths, blow drying, and other grooming). I guess I need to start just putting him on the grooming table and plying him with treats so he settles down. I also need to learn all the fluffing and products necessary for grooming. Anyway, I got third out of four on Saturday and this morning I got fourth. I think Bobby's fussing might have been responsible there, and, well, he doesn't quite have the look of a lot of the competition. I think dDad is a little careless with the grooming of the corgi where he should fuss more. Shepherds, see, don't need much. They don't need their whites whitened (white markings are quite a bad thing, in fact) or toenails clipped short, hair on their little bottoms fluffed out, or anything of that sort. And, well, we're both schooled in the aesthetics of larger dogs.

It was weird today to drive myself down to Albany with Bobby (Shepherds at 8, corgis at noon today) and meet up with Dad there. After, we had lunch (at McDonalds, which is a bit eurgh but is better than show concession food and suits my grandma's tastes) and I had to find my way back to I-5 South on my own.

UGH. Apparently the Coburg police are all over drivers in the area just north of Eugene, and everyone knows it but me. Dad told me it was in the paper and practically made me promise to stick to the speed limit between Albany and Eugene. It was EXCRUTIATING, because I have to admit that I like speed, especially on the nice, straight, flat length of I-5. Dad told me it takes about an hour and fifteen minutes to get to Albany from our house, and I think he was thinking in terms of his own driving. (This is a man who confidently drives to Eugene in an hour and forty five minutes, a distance of 120 miles at least.) I think I drove seventy or higher most of the way down to the show this morning and just barely made an hour and fifteen minutes. Jeez.

Also, I am such a safe driver, all taking pictures with my digital camera from my car. Not many, just a couple, but still. Not smart.

I'm starting to think I'll never sleep normally again. I keep messing up my sleep schedules with naps, and today I slept from 5 to 8:30. But dog shows mean not enough sleep (or at least too much getting up early), so I think I need to make up for lost time. I don't think I would have gotten out of bed this evening if I hadn't been a little hungry and known that I need to take a shower in case I don't get up early enough tomorrow morning, though now I'm thinking I should just brush my teeth and crawl back under the covers so that I won't have trouble getting up in time to shower AND make breakfast (and tea, sweet, delicious tea) in the morning.

(Oh, and I stole Chicken Run from my parents (or does it belong to me anyway? Not sure), which is important because Phil Daniels, who played Jimmy Cooper in Quadrophenia , is a voice for one of the rats, while the elderly rooster is Benjamin Whitrow (Pride and Prejudice, Jimmy's boss in Quadrophenia) and one of the hens is Julia Sawalha (Pride and Prejudice). It is the means by which I gleefully connect my twin loves of Jane Austen and The Who.) (I am a NERRRD.)



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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