odds & sods

01.20.05 @ 9:29 p.m.


I skipped Theory class today for no good reason except that I was unreasonably tired last night (napped for four hours, awake for, mmm, three hours, back to sleep for another 9 hours) and decided to carry "Oh noes, I don't feel well" over to another day.

I went to Milton, though, because I am loving my Milton class.

Tomorrow I go home for family time and going to a dog show with Dad. Bobby isn't entered, but I'll take him for socializin'. J-Bizzle is entered. I hope that he isn't limping anymore.

I have a tub of cookies I don't want and I don't know what to do with them. I keep getting paranoid that I'm going to develop diabetes when I eat a lot of sugar because it makes my heart fluttery and the rest of me feels weird. And there were a lot of sugary things left over from teh party.

I took a picture of myself because I thought I was looking unusually demure and cute this morning, but I can't find the USB cord for my camera.

I figured out how to download software updates to my iPod in the computer lab, but I didn't realize I needed to do more than I did this afternoon. There is a naughty temptation to pirate Adobe software off the lab computers as Fawn did, but I shall be resolute.

I keep meaning to call Ena and not getting around to it.

Jessica and Candace got the packages I sent them. I hope Rachel got hers.

I wrote for two and a half hours so far this week, not counting in class bits. For some reason, I'm working on ICRY again, which is the least practical thing for me to be writing.

ANTS in my goddamn SECOND STOREY kitchen! I need to learn to clean better.

This whole 'remolding my computer around my personality' thing is annoying. Also, I have to edit the scripts for taking tracks off my iPod if I want to name it "Roger." Poop.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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