trouble on the line

01.17.05 @ 11:01 p.m.

Computer issues mean I'm rebulding my laptop from the ground up. It's frustrating, mostly because I have to download tons of updates I've gone through before and re-preference everything. I'm a little stuck trying to figure out some iTunes stuff, like how I get rid of the genre window when I have browsing on. I can't remember, and the help viewer is not wanting to run right now.

I was just thinking of something, though. My harddrive is named Pete, and today I discovered I can rename and put a new icon on my iPod where it appears on the desktop. (The only thing making me hesitant is that I don't know if my AppleScripts will work if I change the volume name.) Earlier today I tried naming it Keith and, carefully archiving the icon that comes with the iPod, made a Keith photo it's icon. I put it back the way it was, but now I have a new idea. I should name my iPod Roger because it's small but powerful.

(The corgi pups got their rabies shots for the first time toward the end of December. The vet is a friend of my dad's and came out to us to give a whole pack of dogs their shots. He gave a "ha ha, I should have known" reaction to Bobby Dylan's name, and then asked who was next. My mom told him Roger Daltrey, and the vet said (to my delight, when I was told) "Oh, is he a little guy?" Heeheehee.)



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