wild packs of family dogs

01.09.05 @ 8:17 p.m.

Mmmm, why are punk rockers on TV so hot? Seriously. Makes me want to sit around and listen to The Ramones... Damn, my dad still has my copy of Never Mind the Bollocks.

Gah, I've left it too long since I last updated. What has happened over the course of the week? Well, I think I'll quite like my Milton class, which has such familiar faces as Mod Nathan and Filthy Hippie in it, as well as Conner-I'm-Supposed-to-Marry* and a quite nice looking fellow named Dan, who got lost in Gerlinger Hall with me. Fuckin' labyrinth is what it is. Milton's poetry is rather pretty, and I have this wonderful mental image as a huge nerd who looks rather like my Milton teacher. The joke I made (and suspect pretty much no one got) was that I was disappointed that Donald Sutherland was not my Milton teacher (as he teaches Paradise Lost in Animal House, filmed on campus).

*In Italian class, we had to describe what we looked for in a member of the opposite sex. Conner and I were sitting next to each other and both announced "good taste in music" as a necessity, which, of course, led to Enrico grinning and indicating that we were sitting next to our mates.

Wednesday: Discussion Group for Intro. Blah. We each have to do some kind of presentation. I decided to wait until the end of Paradise Lost so I'll have lots of information from my Milton class to supplement my presentation. I've realized that if I stay away from the center of the lecture hall, I can easily avoid Fawn. Oh, and I found out that Tim (Boy with the Startling Eyes from Folklore, we kept catching each other's eye during the slide show on Millennarianism as we turned back to listen to the teacher and then back forward to see the slides) is in Early Tudor England, as well as Conner. Actually, I didn't find out Conner was in Milton until Thursday. This one doesn't look too bad, but not really great fun. A lot a lot of information on the Protestant Reformation of England. That, plus Oliver Cromwell* in Milton, means a lot of English religious history.

*The Oliver Cromwell song by Monty Python is stuck in my head, but I don't know all the words. Arrgh.

Thursday: OMFG, I shall hate my theory class. I shall. I have a GTF named Raphael Raphael. He is in charge of internships. Yeah, we have to do motherfucking internships. Theories of Literacy. UNGGGH. HATE.

Because my crap VCR didn't tape CSI while I was in class last Thursday, I bought a new one today. It looks pretty cheapy and terrible now that I have it out of the box. I wish I had bought the JVC one instead of this Sylvania one for $10 less. If it works, though, hey, great. I also had a Writer's Group meeting today, which was neat. I like this year's crop of dedicated NaNo writers. They're so... nice.

I am preparing myself for my apartment warming next weekend. This mostly means cleaning and organizing all my stuff, much of which is still filling boxes in the middle of the floor. I'm pretty excited. We'll have new Hoopla cards, food, and Andrew, at least, will help me dye my hair.

"I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend" by the Ramones is a pretty song, in it's own way.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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