
12.31.04 @ 9:33 p.m.

· Eat less crap, exercise more. This is a given, and I don't know if I can stick to it, but good lord, I've gained five pounds over the course of this vacation. Well, I've fluctuated between 154 and 160 a whole bunch.
· Less TV, especially non-primetime TV. Fanatical watching of LOST: A-OK. The People's Court: NO. If I need noise, I'll listen to music.
· Writing. Oh, so much here. I want to write 3-5 hours a week at the least. I also would like it to be ORIGINAL writing, but if I can get the two fanfics done, I'll be happy to have them finally out of my mind.
· Related: Some of that time needs to be rewriting either Riverwood or Madeline Whitby. I want to have an edited second draft suitable for submission to either Signet or Zebra. FOR SERIOUS.
· Cook more and rely less on convenience foods. Less pastas, more vegetables. Learn to cook a fucking delicious steak. Make proper foods like mashed potatoes without relying on any kind of mix or instant version. Cook a whole goddamn chicken.
· Keep things tidier.
· Get a job before the school year ends, consider the possibilty of continuing to live on my own; I don't like living with my parents very much, not after being on my own for a while now.
· Less social hermitage, less fear of my classmates. I'd like to stop being so goddamn inadequate in social situations.
· Do more research for my writing: Don't rely on what I've picked up from other novels. Skimming through the Beau Monde's newsletter has shown me that a lot of novels have strong period inaccuracies. (One issue says that there is no such thing as the Little Season! Who made it up? Georgette Heyer?)
· Homework: Less last-minuting, more reading of what I've been assigned. This term might be slightly hellish. I need to stop running away from what I have to do and wasting time on TV and the internet rather than doing what must, in the end, be done.

That's probably enough.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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