
12.18.04 @ 4:34 p.m.

Haven't written in DAYS! Shocking, terribly shocking. I suppose it's all the hustle and bustle of the holidays and vacation and such. Or maybe I'm just lazy.

Hey, Liz, if you've set up a new blog, can you email me at my gmail address (maximumrandb)?

I came home on Tuesday. Originally I was going to set out early so I could listen to Emerson on the drive, but I discovered that I could hear okay from the bedroom of my new place, so I didn't leave until just before noon. Uneventful drive, but I did go out shopping with Dad and Mom (on separate trips). Last time I was home, I discovered mold all over one of my pillows, which was the grossest thing ever, so I brought fresh pillows from Eugene. Of course, I left those in the car and just used one of my pillows my mom washed to get rid of the mold... the wrong one, incidentally. Wednesday was Mom's birthday, so I ended up organizing her present. I went to look for the Bible translation she requested (WTF? Why is she getting so freakishly religious all of a sudden?) to no avail and took a painting her father had made to be framed at Craft Warehouse. We went out to dinner and took her to Turn Around Sound, the used music store, to buy a CD of her choice. I also bought the Garden State soundtrack, but it's being withheld until either my birthday or Christmas, I don't know which. Thursday... ah, yes, we watched Dodgeball because my mom had rented it to reward her middle school class. Yeah, that seems a little iffy, but fate intervened and when she watched it with them it froze up in the middle.

Yesterday, I went to see Ocean's Twelve with Amy and Martha. It was... not great. I think that the Oregonian called it "a triumph of style over substance" which sounds about right. It's not bad or anything, just not as good as I would have hoped. Also, most of my friends and I cannot stand Catherine Zeta-Jones, so there's a downside. It's annoying that they hardly showed the mechanics of any of the smaller robberies, just "here is how we will do it" and then "well, there's that done." Come on, now. It felt like a shell of a movie. An outline. So, not "OMG AWFUL" nor "OMG GREAT" but "Oh, is that all?" Afterward we went to Starbucks, where Amy gave us Christmas presents that seem overly extravagant. I always feel guilty when my friends give me presents, because I am not much of a shopper or a present-giver. She gave me the DVDs of Pride & Prejudice, a toy corgi from Breyer, who make those big plastic horses, and a set of wooden dominoes, because she knows that I have vague plans of making a bracelet (or maybe a watch) out of them based on something I saw on Dumbrella. She made a big ladybug throw blanket out of fleece for Martha.

We worked on the story, but didn't get very far, which was disappointing. Amy left between eleven and midnight, I think, and at some point after that, we noticed a cluster of boys sit at the big table near ours and start playing Monopoly. Three of them got up and once sat down, and I realized it was Ryan (DoM) from Dumbrella! I said hi, and we chatted a little about the Modest Mouse concert (that is to say, I am going to a Modest Mouse concert in January with Ryan and Andrew) and tickets. Martha told me that she had seen him and thought he looked like Dumbrella Ryan from what I've said and the picture I've shown her, but she hadn't wanted to say anything in case she was totally wrong. At two in the morning, Martha and I realized that it was insanely late and got up to go. Ryan told me "I'll see you later, on the internet," which was funny, especially since I was idly thinking "I should say 'See you on Dumbrella' or 'See you before the concert at the latest' or something."

Today I am wearing the most horrible clothes because I thought we were going to get a tree today or give the dogs a bath. Turns out that I could con Mom in to assisting dad for both her dog and mine and I didn't have to get very dirty at all, except when I had to hold Bobby while he was being blow-dried and got covered in dog hair. Now Roberto Dylan is living in the house with me, which is suddenly troublesome, because he has reached the humping age and wants to get all Oedipal on his mother. Not cool. I don't know if it'll pass or if we'll give up and put Bobby back outside, but until then, we put all that effort into a bath, and he's going to live in the house, goddamn it.

So that is the state of things. Not very Christmassy yet, but good to be home.

[Title: One day I went out with dad. We got in the car and Dad started to load a CD into his discman for the drive. "Oh!" I said. "Desire! I love that album." Dad looked at me. "Really?" he said. "Yeah," I said, "I used it as study music a lot this term." "Oh," he said. "Let me go get something else."]



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
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