simply having a wonderful christmastime

12.13.04 @ 10:43 p.m.

It amuses me no end that I have about fifty bazillion google hits off of "Colin Farrell I shit you not." Also "Let My Love Open the Door." (Speaking of, I am really liking the e.cola remix and I think it's because the remix is slower and more relaxed than the original. Bouncy can be well and good, but sometimes you need smooth and mellow.) ("You're So Clever" off of Scoop (a reject from Empty Glass like "And I Moved" - another song Midler turned down) irritates me.)

I went today to go see Garden State and oh my god. Like I needed more reasons to love Zach Braff desperately and wholeheartedly. Now he's not just funny but fucking brilliant, and so that bumps him into the "mind-crush" category. And while I have my issues with Natalie Portman (really, anyone who is involved in the Star Wars prequel trilogy except maybe Sam Jackson), I halfway wish that I could be so unselfconsciously eccentric. She's so damn cute. It was a great movie and kind of... well, I also planned on watching Shrek 2 tonight because I had rented it and damned if I'm not going to watch something I rented, but I'd prefer quiet contemplation of Garden State rather than watch a delightful comedy. Crap. (I'd just wait, but I plan on going home tomorrow pretty much as soon as I get up so as to catch Rick Emerson's show on the drive.) (Also that whole "missing my family terribly" thing, you know.) Maybe in the middle of the night (I can't see myself in bed before three) I'll decided to watch it, but I kind of hope not. This whole "up 'til five, in bed 'til one or later" thing is not as great as I'd like to think it is.

Part of the problem is that Tracy was right: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell is not so much un-put-down-able as it constantly tempts you to pick it up again in a few minutes or hours or what have you. I've had to make a mental vow not to pick it up again today, which is hard, but idly reading it between getting out of bed (1:15 ish, though I woke up much earlier - I like to lie around just letting my mind wander a lot of the time) and taking a shower (I got out at 3:45) ate up rather more of my day than I intended. It's such a compelling book, though. It appeals to the fantasy geek (in a genteel way that can be enjoyed by adults without embarassment) in me AND the Regency nerd, since the story takes place during the Napoleonic Wars, which is pretty much the Regency. A little bit before the technical Regency, really, but close enough.

My mom wants me to bring a lot of my books and videos home with me, asking how much I can watch or read in the next six months until the school year ends. Not much, I'll grant you, but I'd like the selection, all the same. I don't think it's that unreasonable. So I'm ony taking a few things home, DVDs I think I might watch (that is to say, TKAA and Isle of Wight) and books I intend to read. That's really just Strange and Norrell, though I have a huge sack of paperback exchange books to return and plans to replenish my stock. Fluff reading all the way. I mean, it IS a vacation, and I can't think of any books I'm dying to read that I'm not reading already. I should probably finish some things I've started, like Cash (by Johnny Cash) or The Portrait of Dorian Grey. I'll take Dorian Grey with me, it's a tiny pocket edition anyway.

YAY. I get to go home! I get to see my parents! I get to see my puppy, Bobby Dylan! I can ignore knowing that my room will feel damp and mold-infested. It's easy when there are trees to pick and decorate, good food every night (that I don't have to cook! Salad will be ever-present! I will be put in a position of necessary will power and won't get to have such terrible habits as I normally do!) Everything is EXCELLENT and while getting the apartment prepared to nap on it's own until the new year is stressful and annoying, it will be so good to be home for a while.

[I know it is the tritest Christmas song EVAR. I still kind of like it AND Sir Paul.]



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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