and the horse you rode in on!

12.19.04 @ 11:40 p.m.

When you're in a situation of intense boredom at the hands of some person who you cannot bring yourself to offend, what do you do? I find myself taking a big step backward in my head and watching myself wish I was a little kid who could fidget and be petulant and whiny. I wish I could drop large scale hints as to my INTENSE BOREDOM so that maybe, just maybe, it will stop and we can all go home.

The evening was spent attending the yearly dinner at the home of Uncle Pretentious and Aunt Corporate. I would a million times rather spend time with Aunt Corportate than Uncle Pretentious, but somehow, UP is fond enough of me to think that I'm some kind of pretentious literature kindred spirit.

Heaven forbid. Though I kind of like his little medieval decorated room, even if it does have the equivalent of a big flashing neon sign spelling out "GEEK": a sword on the wall. Ah, at least he doesn't have it just lying around so he can play around with it, right?

Anyway, the new house they have has that sterility of the very new dwelling that I hate, because it feels cold and heartless. And too nice, like I'll spoil something. Everywhere I've ever lived has been good and lived in. I'm so much more comfortable with shabby genteel than spotlessly perfect. Shabby genteel seems a hell of a lot more welcoming.

We had pie after dinner instead of the usual birthday cake, which was a little disappointing since I don't like pie except pumpkin pie, but it was okay. And for reasons unknown, UP decided it was IMPERATIVE that he show us his HDTV by playing a Trans-Siberian Orchestra DVD (which wasn't even HD) on his fucking expensive, lah-dee-dah Bose surround system. One or two chapter/songs I would have been fine with. No. The whole god damned DVD. I was tired, and by the end, feeling extremely surly. I was cold, annoyed at having to take my shoes off because everything (including the carpets) was shiny and white (see? Shabby rocks so much more in terms of comfort!) and annoyed because the sound was turned up far too loud on the DVD. Also, IT WAS ON FOR FUCKING EVER. Or it felt like it. I also wanted to drive home because a) I was pissed off at my dad for always insisting on driving my car, which is a petty thing to be irritated about, but there it is, and b) he had at least a beer and two glasses of wine, while I had a Squirt. There really isn't a polite way to say "I don't want to ride home with you driving, you jerk." He also wants me to leave my keys in the car all the time, which goes against all my habits, which also include the locking of all doors pretty much all the time. And AGGH my stupid grandma opened my passenger door RIGHT INTO A LAMPPOST! Luckily she's too old and frail to do any serious damage.

I spent so much time just mentally cursing everyone on the way home. It didn't help that Grandma was being stupid and peevish about UP and AC having to move. She goes on and on as if bitching about it will make any difference in the world. Any difference other than annoying us, but she probably doesn't know how much it does make us angry and frustrated. I left the car and walked down to the house cursing fairly fluently under my breath, angry at having to participate in the whole ordeal.

Ah, well. There's nothing to be done and it's over with for now. I will get my camera soon and perhaps will buy a Modest Mouse album with my birthday Borders Giftcard. And Monstrous Regiment, which is paperback, I see.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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