hello, world

11.07.04 @ 10:18 p.m.


Sorryeverybody.com, created and maintained by some of the fine minds of Dumbrella, is positively exploding. There are articles on it in Der Spiegel, in La Repubblica... and it's Michael Moore's link of the week.

Conclusion: James et al fucking rock, and I am quite sad that I don't have a digital camera. I have an idea, though, that I need to tweak and carry through with. I am pleased to be able to say "Hey, I know that dude!" at least kind of, for all that you can know someone via internet message board.

I showed Bobby this morning, and while I didn't do a fantastic job, hell, I didn't humiliate myself. Otherwise, I slept for four hours and went to the second Sunday NaNo meeting. Not really that productive, this meeting, but it's nice to see how people are doing and realize that I'm doing just fine. At least, so long as I write at least a thousand more words tonight, preferably more.

For hours now I've been messing with the computer, catching up on Dumbrella mostly. My eyes hurt. Yeah, this is going to make working on my story fun. But I cannot get discouraged! I am actually interested to see where this story goes, but I worry that I'm going to rush a little too much and finish the plot before I hit my word goals. But there are a lot of places where I can go back and elaborate, or slow down Sir Alistair's sliminess. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I'll have to do that, at the very least changing the somewhat lascivious remark he made to Madeline moments ago in the carriage. I'd like to expand the prologue that I started, certainly, though I feel like I cannot ignore Simon for such a long time, and he does not meet Maddie until the ball that just now started in my story.

Simon's got a nicely tragic history now that is keeping him terrified of marriage and inclined to interfere in Madeline's unhappy engagement. The answer may well be "Wacky subplot/adventure near the end." A childhood friend had a miserable arranged marriage and ended up committing suicide. I think I need to expand on it.

OMFG, I AM SO PISSED THAT I MISSED THE FIRST EPISODES OF REGENCY HOUSE PARTY! *cries a little, dies a little* Here's hoping one of my libraries gets the DVDs that are inevitable.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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