hillary duff deserves punchings

10.07.04 @ 1:05 a.m.

EURGH! I'm watching Conan and he's talking to Hillary Duff about her cover of "My Generation." Hillary Goddamn Duff covered "My Generation" and CHANGED THE LYRIC TO "HOPE I DON'T DIE BEFORE I GET OLD," THEREBY NEGATING THE WHOLE FUCKING MESSAGE OF THE FUCKING SONG, YOU STUPID TEENYBOPPER.

"Boy, I can't wait until I'm old enough to be a hypocrite!"

I think I want to punch her in the face. A lot.

No. Really. I'm filled with loathing.

The thing I forgot to say today is that I think I've arbitrarily decided to have a crush on the adorable South African guy in my American Lit class. His accent confused me at first, sounding like a mix between... I don't know, a faint Scandinavian accent and a British accent. He looks like Carson from Queer Eye, I think, not that I've seen the show more than a couple of times, and I suppose it surprises me that I quite like him since that is totally not the type I am attracted to. I'm also stuck between admiring that he's smart and fairly well spoken and being annoyed that he sounds completely pretentious at times.

This has been the distressing thing about college. This is going to sound pretentious, but college has been the first time where I've felt like I have peers that are genuinely smarter than me. That sounds so awful, but even when I came across the smart kids in high school, I was confident that I was worlds beyond them in cynicism at least. And knowing I could work harder and be that bright shining star, but why bother? It wasn't going to get me much and I was more interested in enjoying being lazy and doing my own thing.

It's weird that every time I open my copy of Found Magazine #3 I find something I haven't read before. Today it was a couple of pages about Brown Recluse Spiders, which I wouldn't think so much about (except to be paranoid that every spider I don't recognize is a Brown Recluse) except that Jeff Rowland of WIGU was bitten by one and the results were pretty nasty. I have something to send to FOUND and since Davy Rothbart was on Letterman tonight, I've addressed the envelope and put it inside, but have yet to write a little explanation of what it is. I'm also trying to weasel the number of our Powell's Gift Card out of my mom so I can buy the FOUND book.

Ohh, I need sleep now.

(PS- Christ in Concrete, Pietro di Donato. Good book.)



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