you leave me out of this... we're talking about me.

09.13.04 @ 11:24 p.m.

I'm a moron. I backed my car into something and damaged the bumper. I'm not going to get upset about it again; I already went a little nuts with the guilt and stress in the confessions thread of Dumbrella and got some kind responses.

I'm tempted to start nattering on about Dumbrella, but then I start to feel hideously geeky because 90% of my "human contact" (it probably doesn't count) is through the internet lately. Fucking hell.

I went to the library. It was the scene of my disgrace. I might not drive there again, preferring the bus. Who knows. I did pick up a pile of books on writing and publishing and two nonfiction books on the Regency and the life of the aristocracy in that time.

All things must stop while I watch "A Quick One While He's Away" on TKAA.

Would I have noticed Pete's predeliction for white pants if it weren't for ~*M*~ and Armenia? (Google it, people. I'm too lazy to direct link tonight.) Things I always notice about this performance: Pete has a patch of hair sticking up in the back. I also think it's adorable when he rubs his face against the microphone, presumably to wipe away the sweat raised during his completely fantastic performance.

Oh! The weird thing about Maximum R&B is that there's a version of "A Quick One" that claims to be a mix of the album version and the Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus version. LIES. I need to read the booklet again, but unless it's a recording of a R&R Circus rehersal, the live part cut in is completely not from the Circus. In the Max R&B one, Pete tells someone "Don't sing along!" during the opening segment. Also, Pete strays into a... musical tanget during "Forgiven, Forgiven, Forgiven" in the Circus version that I'm quite fond of and is noticeably absent in the Max R & B version. What is going on?

I finished the first side of the mix tape I'm making for Rachel and Jessica. It's... eclectic, to say the least. I'm not thrilled with the blending of elements in the opening, but I think I got into a groove eventually. I also added in a nice bit of dialogue from TKAA. (Oh man, I put on the commentary track during the "Cobwebs and Strange" and it turns out that bit of film was the "Call Me Lightning" promo! It doesn't seem like "Call Me Lightning" would fit with that footage.)

The other things I got from the library are two tapes of "Touching Evil 2" and a DVD of Brazil. I've seen Brazil before, but it's been a while. Oh, and a book about Meher Baba, on a whim. My mind is casting in every direction for something to do during NaNoWriMo, including a brief spark of "What about a novel about living on an ashram during the guru craze...?" (Let's ignore that John Updike did a novel about a woman living on an American guru, uh, compound that was based on the Rajneeshi in Antelope, OR already.)

I have bug bites. I never get bug bites. What is going on here, people?

God, I am so bored, and so lonely, and so terrified of not being able to make any friends this year.

I'm also itching to write but once I actually get down to it, I get antsy and blocked up. IT IS THE MOST FRUSTRATING THING IN THE WORLD.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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