
08.23.04 @ 10:01 p.m.

The first half of last week's Family Guy marathon on tape: yes. I didn't actually care that much for the show when it was in it's first run on FOX. I thought it certainly had extremely funny moments, but wasn't consistant. I was pleased with the two I saw tonight, and I think I'm glad it's coming back to network TV, though there's really no guarantee that I'll watch it this time around, either. There's still an hour left on that tape, but it was really only on so I had something to watch while I ate. As soon as I'm done with the internet, I'll finally watch The Weather Underground. It's about the Weathermen, a group of revolutionaries in the late sixties and early seventies. My parents were watching it when I got back from Andrew's on Friday, and my dad said something about knowing a lot of people like the Weathermen interviewed who were also Conscientious Objectors during Vietnam (as was my dad; he was drafted and ended up doing alternate service by working on Burnside with the homeless). He said that it wouldn't've surprised him to find out there were Weathermen collective houses in Portland.

Well, I haven't watched it yet. I only know a bit from the preview (seen when I went to see Bubba Ho-Tep at Cinema 21 with my mom a while back)(digression: I do love Bruce Campbell) and my memories of the two Kent State speakers who we saw in 11th grade. They were fantastic. Both of them were shot by the National Guard during the whole Kent State debacle. One showed us a photo of himself standing at a railing and giving the finger to the National Guardsmen. "That's moments before they shot me," he said with surprising good-nature.

Uneventful days. IM conversations with Martha, Slavik, and Rachel. I haven't talked to Martha in ages, so that was nice. Nor Slavik, and it's good to keep up with everyone. I've played The Sims: Unleashed for two days straight, but I have managed to make two couples I had set up get married, after much annoying delay. Whatever. I waste my days.

Not like I could go anywhere. My dad took my car to go to a funeral in who knows where, but it had to be south because he stopped in Wilsonville to go to Fry's on the way home. This is okay, because he bought new rear speakers for my car, one of the old ones being all blown out. Downside: He is installing said speakers himself, and now the back bit of my car is all out of whack because he started to open it up and realized he didn't have short enough screwdrivers to take the old speakers out. I think I forsee a trip to Home Depot tomorrow.

Not that I had anywhere to go.

Before the week is out: OMSI for the Titanic exhibit. My excitement knows no bounds. No, really. I fucking love the Titanic. I have since I first read about the ship in third grade. I hate the water, I don't like riding on boats, but I am obsessed with the goddamned Titanic.

Go figure.

(Also, it is raining like hell. Flash flood kind of raining. The roof leaked a little, water is pouring in not just through the broken window (still only fixed with newspaper and scotch tape!) but through the kitchen window with no apparent source! Christ. Everything is cold and damp.)

(And yet, I am an Oregonian. This weather is perfectly normal. All I could wish for is some moderation in the rainfall.)



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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