more weird dreaming

08.02.04 @ 9:19 p.m.

So, to go along with the odd dream I had a couple of nights ago, I had another strange-ish dream last night. I was in Los Angeles, in my grandmother's house. I was wearing a t-shirt and underwear, but no pants. I had to go to the bathroom, but the bathroom had glass walls, like it was a greenhouse. A guy raced up on a bicycle and a whole bunch of other guys started crowding around the windows. I drew the curtains, but I could tell they were still out there. The thing that seemed so odd about it (because very little seems odd about dreams until you wake up and start thinking about them, in my experience) was that I had somehow become wildly desirable. Which is not something I often feel, if I've ever felt it. I kind of wonder if it's somehow connected to my haircut, which makes me feel cute and sassy.

I'm still in the "admire reflection in all windows and mirrors" stage of haircutness. Lopping off inches of hair makes me very vain, I guess.

Work is... not so very bad, I guess. I'm still longing for the day when I can say a happy goodbye to that place. Boss John is getting easier to deal with, though he is still mostly an ass.

Whoops, let myself get distracted for a moment there. I still kind of hurt from my sunburns from Fl�gtag and my skin is getting... not very smooth.

What the hell. I was going to write more, but I'm suddenly very sleepy and still need to shower.



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