mrs. leroy brown

08.04.04 @ 5:28 p.m.

Only a couple more weeks before I quit and then sweet, sweet freedom. Though I know I have it better than a lot of people with this job, I still despise it. Mainy the cleaning up after little kids part. Also, today Boss John had me get up on a huge tall ladder (it was taller than the roof over the entry way of the school) to squeegee windows, which makes you think you'll knock yourself off and die sprawled on the pavement. In all fairness, he did ask if I thought I could handle it, since I exaggerated a heights-fear freakout when he wanted me to use the scissor lift to clean lights.

My nose is peeling like crazy and I can't leave it alone, so all the raw skin stings. Stupid sunlight.

I'm trying the new half-sugar colas, because I don't like diet but I don't like the idea of sucking down straight syrup like I'm some kind of humming bird. And I've always been a big soda fan. Actually, I used to drink Pepsi One, and just offhand, I can't remember what was in it that made it different from regular Diet Pepsi. I'm not about to enter the cult of Diet Coke (and cult it is... I know of people who basically drink nothing else.) I think C2 is marginally better than Pepsi Edge, mainly because of the spicey flavor of Coca Cola. (Wow, how lame am I, earnestly comparing the virtues of colas?) (Answer: Very lame indeed.)

My parents are going on some 1988 diet from an elderly paperback of my dad's. I wonder if he just found it, and if not, what made him decide to go for this diet. They're going on a detox fat flush. This means I'm hiding two packages of cookies in my dresser drawer. With Mom's consent, since she paid for them and all, but still. I'm back to squirreling away food. This is completely not healthy.

I started thinking yesterday about how I don't like Ryan. I got on this train of thought because on Saturday, Martha said to me that Andrew had been asking if we liked Ryan. Martha reassured him that she liked him, though he did seem mean and did seem to make us meaner and maybe raunchier (I hate any word that derives from "raunch," it just feels unpleasant). Andrew said he wasn't sure that I liked him. I don't know (don't remember if she said anything to me) if she told Andrew that I don't like him. He's just such a fucking jerky hypocrite, calling women fat all the time and making rude remarks about breasts. I was also uncomfortable with how loud and rude they were being in the restaurant, where we were surrounded by families and nice country folk. They did not need the loud city kids spoiling their meal.

But I've gone over that all before.

Oh! I remember now that I was going to talk about how much I'm loving the album Van Lear Rose. Loretta Lynn is great, and I think you can really hear the influence of Jack White on the album. It thrills me that half her songs are still about findin' her man down at the honky tonk and dragging him away from the trashy bimbo he's associating with. Or like "Women's Prison," which is about a woman who caught her husband cheating and shot him, so she's in jail on her way to the electric chair.

I'm going to go now to find picture of celebs I fancy for Dumbrella. I'm such a sheep.



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