cobwebs and strange (moonie's song)

06.28.04 @ 10:03 p.m.


So I kind of want to change Puppy Bob Dylan's name. Dylan, I should just call him Dylan, which is what I call him when I play with him. I dunno. I don't dislike Bob Dylan the artist, but I am not particularly fond of him, either.

Keith Moon is rejected out of hand as being too obscure. Pete Townshend is, I think, too long. 25 letter limit, including the words "Hidden Forest" in there somewhere. So I'm limited to 11 letters. (How the hell is Keith Moon too obscure? The man is synonymous with Rock excess and destruction. Man is a motherfucking LEGEND.) Freddie Mercury? Hmm, too many letters, perhaps. (Damn it all to hell.)

Work is wearying. Today I told Assholey Bosses that I have no car and no drivers' license, which makes them think twice about how to make me recycle the stupid cans. Breaks have gotten absurdly long, my supposed 15 minute breaks last from a half hour to over an hour. Lunch is now ALWAYS an hour.

Speaking of cars, the possibility of a 1997 Toyota Corolla looms in my future. White, of course, the one color I said I would rather not have. Which just jinxed me. Who knows. Something will probably happen to make it all go bad just like everything else. That's what I'll be expecting, anyway. I just heard my dad mutter, "I want that car," and my mom reply, "So do I." It may be a sketchy business, though. I worry a little.

Tee hee. I got a "Oh, name him whatever you want" from dad. Victory! But I'm still not absolutely certain what I want my dog to be named. I think perhaps he is slightly pained by not having a dog tribute to Dylan.

Ach! It is late, or at least late for this young lady. I just had an enjoyable conversation with Candace and I must make an effort to do some scanning soon. I also sent a harassing email to Ena to get her to mail me my Who magazine. A good night's work.

[Title is the song that plays in one of the best Keith Moon bits of TKAA. ("It's a bleeding box!" Whee obscure joke!)]



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