wizards and caffine

06.12.04 @ 11:51 p.m.

A good night with Amy tonight. After a long boring day of doing nothing much (sleep, reading American Gods, taking three of the puppies up the driveway for a long walk), I tried to get ahold of Andrew, who'd called me this morning, but I neglected to call him back. Amy called to borrow the fifth Harry Potter book and basically agreed to take me to Starbucks with her once everything was sorted.

Martha had her wisdom teeth out, so she was pretty quiet, doped up and puffy and unable to partake in the cookie-related goodness that Moni brought. After a boring stretch where we talked to Allayne (who mostly talked to Andrew about Subarus... agggh, how do I get mixed up with people who fucking obsess over their goddamn Subarus?), probably the most stimulating conversation of the night was a lengthy discussion of Harry Potter and many predictions on the future, especially romantic entanglements to come. Happy expectations of Ron and Hermione "getting it on" (though I think the more romantic rather than lustful aspects were anticipated) versus wondering why Harry and Hermione weren't the pairing. This is after a general suspicion that Harry will heroically sacrifice himself at the end of the seventh book, so my idea is that Hermoine and Ron need to be able to comfort each other. We can't be leaving Hermione all heartbroken with her love dead. I just can't believe that we had such a good, long conversation speculating on the future of Harry Potter. But I guess it's something we all know, now that Amy is (belatedly) reading all the books.

Amy gave me an '89 issue of Rolling Stone because it says "THE WHO: Tommy's Triumphant Return." There's a very, very short article on what Candace calls "Tommy on Ice," anticipating a pay-per-view production in Los Angeles that I imagine was the concert I have on tape. If I didn't dislike destroying old magazines, I would just cut that page out. I might still.

I want to practice me some guitar tonight. I tried to look up "I Am An Animal" by Pete Townshend, because I think that would be moderately awesome to sing, but it's complicated. All in a weird tuning. (I'm such a lazy guitar player. Any tuning that isn't standard is "a weird tuning" to me.) Also, "Rough Boys" would be pretty decent coming from a girl. Sexier, less mildly bemusing.

(PS TO SLAVIK: You seriously, seriously need to send us a postcard from New York (if you're still there) or Europe, or we'll be all mad. Amy was saying this tonight, too.)



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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