there once was a note, pure and easy...

06.11.04 @ 11:58 p.m.

Today, in short:

· Watched The Kids Are Alright with Roxy, Ena's friend. Felt wonderful when she enthused about it and declared that she was absolutely going to buy it for her dad for his birthday. Love it when people love what I love.

· Got fucked up library situation fixed. Hurrah!

· Drove to Portland; didn't die with Ena behind the wheel. Several mildly close calls.

· Planned and subsequently cancelled a Starbucks outing, since Martha's doped out after having her wisdom teeth out and Andrew's a flake. Had to call all over, fetch phone numbers from various people.

· Went to dinner (Pizza Schmizza, Mmm, how good it is to be back in HillsBeaverton) with my parents and Ena. All four of us went to Turn Around Sound, purchases were made.

· GLORIOUS SHOPPING IN PORTLAND: Went to Powells AND the big Music Millennium on Burnside.

Total materialism:

I also came away with a long mental list of books to get from the library. I was thwarted in my ambition to get a couple more Who books by Sherman Alexie (!!!Love!!!) giving a reading up in the Pearl room, where they keep the art and music books. They had filled to capacity and actually had a long line at the base of the stairs. They only let people up when someone else came down. It was insane, and I was not going to wait. Another day. That was the mantra for today. Another day, I shall come again another day and then, item I desire, you will be mine!



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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