beep beep

05.06.04 @ 12:43 a.m.

It's odd to think about the way my emotions shift during the course of a day. More on that later.

It's Street Faire time, a time when I wish all perpetrators of the superfluous 'e' would die a violent death. Not that I dislike the Faire itself. It's rather like midweek Saturday Market without all the travel. My browsing today let me mark a couple of pairs of earrings I want to buy, since I've decided I want to start wearing them again and all I have are horrible, dangly things. The only jewelry box I have here in Eugene is filled with jewelry made out of National Geographic kits my mom bought me when she went to Washington D.C. when I was in junior high. There are a couple of other things, but I just deleted the descriptions I typed up as long and unnecessary. I've been trying to think of something from one of the booths to give to my mom for Mother's Day, and all I can think of is that there are some pretty little wooden statues from Ecuador or someplace in one.

Half the booths seem to be run by white neo-hippies with dreads or looking fucking ridiculous in african clothing. (I'm sorry, it's true. White people should never try to appropriate other cultures, we just look fucking stupid and arrogant when we try.) The other half seem to be run by slightly befuddled looking foreigners. I think I would be more culturally sensitive and not making such sweeping generalizations if it weren't late and I weren't tired. This one booth had a whole bunch of chunky silver and semi-precious stone jewelry and the back wall was covered in, I dunno, Alpaca wool tunic things, but the hippie jewelry was warring with hella bling (big chrome-silver pot leaves, medallions that say "50 Cent", etc.), and that was possibly the funniest thing ever.

Today was the day we discussed the hippie movement, very briefly, in Folklore. I'm told that life in Eugene and especially going to Saturday Market or the Country Fair in summer is like a time warp back to the late sixties. I think I can believe it, even if I don't always like it. My affinity runs toward Mod rather than Hippie. Townshend said he could see it starting to crumble from within at Monterey, see it starting to fall apart with big opportunities for corruption and exploitation. I tend to agree. I'm pretty sure I never really romanticized hippies, not the way I do mods.

Mod Nathan gave me a sharp, surprised look when I volunteered to share my possible paper topics in Folklore. "Dog Fanciers and communitas or Rite of Passage... or the original Mod movement if I bomb out and can't figure out a focus for the dog thing." Did Mod Nathan never make the connection between Mods and the Who/Mod Target patch on my bag? (Girl-Who-I-Sit-Next-To and I figured out each other's names today because Prof. Wojcik was passing back papers. She is a Liz. She expressed surprise that there is more than one Ellen in such a small class, because I almost ended up with the other one's topic proposal. Which would be very wrong because I didn't turn one in.)

Holy shit. The smoke detector just went off and I have no idea why. I just know that my heart is going crazy.

My laptop is going to die soon, so very short summary: At the Street Faire, I wished Ena was around so I would have someone to wander with. She invited me to the movies with her friend, but I declined. When she and friend came back from having misplanned, I was totally resentful that she was invading my alone time in the house. After friend left and I finished a big bout of studying, we chatted, feeling amiable. So odd to look at in retrospect.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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