(what's the story) morning glory

03.15.04 @ 8:57 p.m.

This is going to be a very girlish entry. I apologize in advance.

With the most immediacy, because I just finished watching "Cracking Up," I am hereby going to marry Jason Schwartzman. This is both because I adore the movie Rushmore (both as an excellent film and that which introduced me to the magnificence of the Who) and because I am enchanted by the fact that the man looks astonishingly like Keith Moon. And he's the drummer for what, Phantom Planet? He's a drummer that looks like Keith Moon! He should play Keith in any rock and roll epic. I am perhaps inordinately delighted by this realization (which I had some time ago). As such, I just spent the last several minutes making this (ridiculously, in AppleWorks instead of buckling down and opening Adobe or GraphicConverter--I need beter graphics software):

Yeah, I'm pretty silly today. And this is probably why: Oh Em Gee, I had a good dream this morning. A Pete Townshend dream. A naked Pete Townshend dream. Not sexual, though, just naked. Very strange. It started out as my mom and I going to the library. She was looking for a specific book but instead found a couple of books with Pete Townshend as the author. They were books of photos. It was strange because the dream went from library to looking at photos to being present as they were being shot. They were ridiculously and pretentiously artsy, taken in this Victorian sort of dark public building with a lot of fountains in it. Strange things (apart from dreaming about pretentious naked photos of Pete Townshend (circa mid-seventies)):
·This is the second dream I've had about viewing pictures of scantily clad rock stars with my mother, though she disappeared very quickly this morning.
·At some transitional point, there was an odd voice-over narration--Voice work done by Garrison Keilor.
·Just a general "What the fuck" as to the whole thing. Later on the Victorian building, which seem like some kind of public baths at first became a political building and the pictures being taken had some kind of symbolic politcal meaning.

The absolute strangeness of the dream was just delightful. Also the fact that I remember so very much of the "plot."

The rest of my day hasn't been much. I wrote a paper, my final for English: Northwest Literature. It was six pages long and at the end it wasn't my best work. But who the hell cares, I got most of it done. Slavik wrote that he got an iPod in his blog, I sulked jealously for about 15 minutes and then went on with my paper. I also belatedly wished my brother a happy birthday. Yay, things get done.

I walked 30 blocks and four flights of stairs going from my house to my professor's office to turn in the paper, and I was exhausted when I got back. (I'm rushing the entry now, because Ena wants the internet.) Ena and I spent some time hanging out around the back door and talking to our new neighbor. We seem to get along alright, and she has a sweet dog. She's a culinary student and told us that our landlord thinks we're grad students. Where the hell that came from, I don't know.

Since then, I've been chilling. But soon it will be time for the economics homework.

[Title: Oasis]



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