ob-la-di, ob-la-da

03.04.04 @ 8:03 p.m.

I'm kind of loop-di-loo from still being sick, but generally better. I went to the health center to get a throat culture because I managed to convince myself I have strep throat, but this is not the case. It's just some evil, nasty virus intent on destroying my ability to think at the end of term, when memory and concentration are somewhat necessary. Fuckin' hell. Seriously, I have a paper due tomorrow and a draft of an Italian composition to do tonight. I can barely pay attention to TV, let alone work out a coherent argument on ANYTHING. They did perscribe some gigantic psuedoephedrine pills that I have trouble swallowing even broken in half. It's got some kind of expectorant in it, too. My plan is to suck down insane amounts of caffine, because somehow this helps me focus. You know, in between Survivor, CSI, and ER. Damn you, Thursdays! Why must you give us the greatest TV the night before things are due?

I should have taken my copy of Reservation Blues by Sherman Alexie with me to the center, as I would have had plenty of reading time, but I'm dumb and forgetful. It's a shame, because I'm really enjoying the book. It's not heavy handed with the Native American culture like Winterkill AND it's chock full of rock and roll references. It makes me happy. I think this will be one of the books I keep. I'm only fifty pages or so into it, but if it continues on this level of quality, I would totally recommend it. We shall see, eh? (Alexie also wrote the book that the movie Smoke Signals is based on, The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight In Heaven.)

My head still hurts a little. I hate being sick so much. Which is funny, because I totally gave Ena whatever I have. And she said something like she didn't mind, she liked being sick. And she only gets sick only about once a year, so might as well get it out of the way. Or something. Crazy girl. She's got the chills I had last night and keeps asking me what I gave her. I don't know, they didn't tell me. All I know is that it isn't strep.

I made a huge bowl of mac and cheese for dinner, but I don't want to eat it. Cooking is too much hassle when you don't feel good.

Also! I weigh a lot less than I thought. I thought I was 165, but I am something like 157. More than I should be, yes, but less than I thought!

Survivor commentary: Sue is so fucking wussy. Ooh, a gay man rubbed his penis against me! I'm going to have a mental collapse! I think in that situation, I'd be like "You asshole" and stick with distain.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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