la-la-la lies

03.06.04 @ 1:49 p.m.

I am a queen liar. I can lie to your face and not even blink. And I've almost never been questioned on my lies. People believe me.

In recent years, I've let this skill slack. Mostly I only ever lied to my parents, maybe the occasional teacher. So basically, my lies were to authority figures to get out from doing something I didn't feel like doing. I also have little compunction about lying to get out of social situations I don't feel like participating in. Usually, these are lies of the 'politeness' variety.

This strikes me as funny, just now, because there are lots of times I've been too honest. I'm fairly blunt about a lot of things, though for the most part I try not to make people hate me. And I don't think I've ever lied here. This is like, the release valve, and if I'm not honest it doesn't work. I've omitted plenty I haven't felt like talking about and omitted plenty I actually did feel like talking about but dismissed because it was perhaps too crass or too unpleasant.

So why am I even talking about it? Probably because I'm proud that I evaded Fuckwit Landlord yet again. Ena and I are both sick, though I'm pretty much all better except for an annoying earache, and we just don't want to deal with him. Plus, Bonnie's living here and shouldn't be, but she'll be gone next Friday (HURRAH). I stood in our doorway and just explained that Ena wasn't home (she was half asleep in her bedroom) and while I did discuss some problems with the house (an outdated light fixture had the bulb burn out, and we have to get the replacements from FL) I told him without actually saying "Go away" that it's getting to be an academically stressful period and I'm taking advantage of the silent house to write a paper. The best lies have a grain of truth, since I should be doing homework. I still have to write my Italian rough draft, which Enrico kindly extended until Monday. I also need to finish reading Reservation Blues for Monday.

But do I care about any of that today? Ha ha, no, of course not. I'm thinking about going to the writing group meeting later today. I've missed all the post-NaNo meetings (not that there have been many) by being out of town or not knowing how to get back home on a weekend night when my usual bus isn't running. Since then, though, I've explored most of the alternate home routes and am fully confident about them. I plan to take my little laptop in case we're doing any kind of exchanging of writing, because I do still have half of Traveler even if I probably won't say a word about "Sea & Sand" or "I Can't Reach You." Anyway, the new versions of those plots only live in my head and my economics notes, so the drafts I have are really out of date.

Last night Ena wanted to watch something that wasn't a comedy, which pretty much eliminates all movies in my collection and we were at a loss until I spotted Quadrophenia on top of the TV. She wanted to watch something that would make her sad. I think she was looking for some kind of catharsis, but things-that-make-me-cry are usually books. The final book in the Narnia series, The Last Battle is one of those. I know there are movies, too, and one I watched semi-recently (like in the last year) with my parents that made me sniffly (which freaks my dad out, he didn't know until recently how short a fuse I have for crying, even when I don't feel particularly bad or upset), but I can't remember what it is. Ena slept through a lot of Q, so I'm not sure it did it's job. She's been resisting it because she thought it was a musical, like Tommy. I had to reassure her that it's just based on the story of the album, it has the music but it's incidental music like in any film, and no one sings. (Well, apart from the band in that little club where the boy is to young for the voice that's dubbed over him, I'm sure.)

I do so love Jimmy Cooper.

Time for another ibuprofen for the earache and some delicious juice. Mmm.



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