friday night

02.06.04 @ 8:20 p.m.

Funny how often I seem to be writing from Ena's computer of late. I started writing entries on my own computer an hour ago, but I was in conversation with Ena, too.

Someone made a video to "Hey Ya" out of old Charlie Brown footage. Now, the quite funny thing about that is not only that it's pretty great, but that United Media is laying a smackdown on anyone who has publicly available. This seems ridiculous and also like it would be covered by the laws that allow parody. But maybe not. It all seems rather absurd. I'm not going to post a link to the person who I got it from for the sake of his bandwidth, but I might be persuaded.

And wonder of wonders today: Ena came in from... well, wherever the hell she goes all day, and told me that she failed the test for her driver's permit. Now, this seems nigh on impossible to me because if I remember, it was a fairly easy test. Else there would not be so many fuckwits with drivers' licenses, right? What she said when she came in, I think I'll treasure in my heart as glorious, glorious vindication of all my secret thoughts ever. "I don't know what it is," she said. "I think I just don't have any common sense at all." What!? I never thought I'd ever hear her say that.

And me, with honesty taking root in my soul at all the wrong times, I couldn't say anything comforting, because if I opened my mouth, all that would be coming out is "Yeah, that sounds about right to me." Naughty. Mean.

So Miss "I'll have my drivers' license in no time, I'm sure" is thwarted and I get to be as smug as someone who also cannot drive can be. (This makes me sad. I'm pretty sure if we had an automatic, I would have no problems. But 28 year old cars with issues and a clutch that has snapped twice in my presence, no. Not so very easy. Also, I cry easier during driving lessons because of the pent up frustration from not being able to comfortably swear like a sailor.)

Anyway. I also had my Italian oral midterm today and I think we rocked that mother. (What the hell is up with my writing today? Am I enthusiastic and just don't realize it? Has listening to an Outkast song all the way through for the first time done something to my brain?) Er. So we were supposed to convince one another to attend the Italian festival of our choice. Mine was a boring grain festival because it takes place in the province that I'm going to have to give a ten minute presentation on Molise in a couple of weeks. My partner, Stephanie, chose La Palio di Sienna, which is a mad medieval horse race where horses are taken into a church to be blessed and if the jockey falls off, the horse can win anyway. So one was suppose to persuade the other. We went a slightly different route, ending in a mild fight and me telling Stephanie that she is not my friend anymore. Good signs were when Enrico (who is steadily more awesome, I shall explain further) laughed at Stephanie's response to my speech about the Grain Festival of Jelsi ("Sounds boring") and the fact that he fucked up his own schedule of appointments by keeping us around and chatting for an extra ten minutes at the end of class.

So. What makes Enrico increasingly cool. I wore my Maximum R&B baseball shirt to school today, and he was all surprise. "Ti piace il Who?" he asked. (You like the Who?) "Si!" I said. "Mi piace molto!" (Yes! I like a lot!) "Un po' obsessed." (A little obsessed.) He spoke of his pleased surprise the previous term when he found a student who was hugely into Zep. He asked if I had all the albums and in terribly bad Italian grammar, I explained that I did not have any albums from after Keith Moon died. He asked if they still existed as "The Who" and I said yeah, the did, and they toured after John Entwistle recently died. The great, GREAT part was when he was asking if I would go see them now, and I was hedging, trying to say yeah, maybe, probably, and he said something like "Vuoi vedere Pete Townshend" (You want to see Pete Townshend) and IMITATED THE WINDMILL. He is really funny with the way he kind of teaches via charades sometimes. When we do the owlish look and total silence number on him (all classes do this, I'm pretty convinced), he kind of acts out the answer he's looking for. I think he's almost happy that we react to that, that we laugh when he tells a funny story.

So yeah. Best Italian teacher ever. So he's a bit pretentious about film. At least he's pop culture aware, eh? Jodi, my childhood best friend, is almost completely and utterly unaware of any sort of pop culture reference. She almost never watches TV. Most of what she reads and the movies she watches are kind of young adult-ish. I think that if it weren't for the healthy dose of cynicism piercing her from growing up next door to me and my family, the girl would be totally fluffy-bunny. She would be Jane Bingley. Except I'm apparently more influential that Lizzy Bennet and gave her a little bitterness in her soul.

I think I'm in a very odd mood, talking about souls and using odd phrasings. I just ate the last two brownies I made. I've eaten waaaay too many of them in the last few days, it's insane. And last night, after like, months of no caffine or the occasional vending machine pepsi, I drank three or four glasses of iced tea to try to focus myself to write my Classics paper. Amphetamines, you know, are what they give people with attention disorders. Keith Moon gulping down the Mod's Friend, french blues and he like, is what made him able to play drums. Before that he hadn't been able to focus on anything long enough to stick with it. But he loved drums and pills and things would have been very good indeed if he had known where the line between 'helpful' and 'oh fuck, call the paramedics, Keith needs another stomach pump' was.

Christ I'm bored. I watched a couple of episodes of "Father Ted" tonight, which is funny enough, I'll grant you, but not as good as I expected from the things I heard. It did serve to make me further want to give Ardal O'Hanlon a big hug. I actually think I like "My Hero" better, though. I will be forced to check these videos out again so I can take them home and show them to my mom who is both Irish and Catholic. Tee hee. Father Dougal. Perhaps the rest of the night will be filled with a movie or something.

(Oh, my, I nearly forgot: Tim is back in Scary Go Round which makes me happy beyond reason. I highly recommend that anyone who does not know this comic go and read it from the beginning. It is FANTABULOUS. Really. People should not be allowed to be as funny as John A, except that that would rob the joy from my life. I think I'm going to have to buy the first collection of SGR comics and get it personalized with a sketch of Tim or Ryan and Friend Bat (from the story "Man"). Tim is not mad anymore! Perhaps retribution will be carried out against the Robotanians for destroying VendBot. Maybe I'll get my Robotania shirt soon. But mostly I have the urge to go back and read the Zombie Shelley story arc. So good.)

[Darkness song, yo. At least it wasn't "Hey Ya."]



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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