"it's sticky! what is it?" - frodo

01.10.04 @ 5:42 p.m.

Last night I finally, finally saw Return of the King. I have to admit that I ducked out in one of the first Orc/human battles (just before Pippin lights the signal fire--I have always loved the concept of a row of signal fires) to go to the bathroom. Thank god. For a while I was going to tough it out, but that was just an absurd idea. And I did have the sense to ask Moni if I would miss anything important if I took a quick pee break.

So I know I never read the books, and so what I say is probably sacrelige, but I could have done without a lot of that epilogue. Everyone bowing to the hobbits would have been a good ending. And I had gotten it into my head that Frodo did not survive Mount Doom, and so I was expecting him not to make it. Which would have also been a good ending, I think. Sometimes a hero shouldn't make it. So my presumptions and imagination and not having a need to make things stick to the book combined to make me a little disappointed in the end. Oh, and I think I would have preferred Aragorn and Eowyn to Aragorn and Arwen.

[*catcalls from the audience: "Blasphemer! Graaah!"*]

Ahem. I can see where everyone was coming from on the hobbit-homoeroticism. And the moment I walked out of the theater, I turned to Moni and said, "There is so much hobbit-on-hobbit fanfiction being written right now." It's horrible, but you just know it's true. That said, Merry and Pippin are adorable. Also Faromir and Eomer. Pippin looks like Eric Idle and the actor who plays Merry is also featured in a series of Mystery! as the youthful sidekick to a middle aged lady detective played by Patricia Routledge (Mrs. Bucket on Keeping Up Appearance). It's weird to me, because I know to a lot of people he's only Merry. But I'm like, "Jeffery!" I'm a PBS dork, sorry. Anyway, Moni made mention of my comment on the group email and I ended up getting defensive. Knowledge of slash in the world does not indicate participation in it's creation or even approval of it. I'm rather grossed out by it all, but I've known enough slash-writing girls in my life to be familiar with the concept. And I use the term 'girls' loosely. I'm going to estimate the ages of 16-25 for writers, but there are older, I know.

But I do not want to write about fanfic. I've written and deleted a bunch of stuff already, but it's not things I particularly want to discuss.

Something I loved: Legolas' counting in battle. His competition with Gimli is incredibly funny to me. And I am more and more enamoured of epic battle. And Eowyn makes me want to write more on my failed Nanovel. (Still haven't finished or even worked on it. Shame on me.)

Frustrating: Where the hell did the eagles come from? Seriously. Also, the way Mordor just collapsed when the ring was destroyed. Fa la la, didn't you know that ring was the only thing sustaining all evil in the world and we don't even have to do any mopping up? Orc armies can fall down this convenient new chasm that ends at the edge of our army and no one really has to die. Never mind that we went to draw out a brand new army of Orcs when the only thing that saved our asses in the last battle was a spectral army that is now dispersed. It all wrapped up too neatly.

I see a comment on going back to Liz's review a comment noting that "The slash practically writes itself!" I think that is where the obvious-slash potentials entered into my head. Liz said she always things of Hugo Weaving (Elron) as Agent Smith, but as someone who has not seen any Matrix movie but HAS seen The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (several times), I see Tick/Mitzi. I would come up with a suitable Mitzi-quote, but there aren't really any great ones at IMDb. All I can think of is Felicia's "Desert Holiday" song.

Stupid fact: Priscilla was the first DVD I watched on this computer.

Lastly, we finally got our mail from the last month, which our landlord had been picking up. I got two Communication Arts annuals, the design and the advertising. The magazine just kicks so much ass, but it's turning me into a design geek for all that I don't do that much design work. It's just so pretty! But I realize what a fantastic deal I got. I paid $40 for a year long student subscription and already the cover price on the two issues I have add up to $48. My introduction to the magazine was when someone left about five issues in the magazine exchange bin at the library and I took them. I dissected them to use in decoupage and other art things. Then my VisComm professor gave us a little speech and offered the student rate. Ooh man. Fab. The advertising issue had a bit on the BMW films and I ended up having to email Martha, because the last one, "Beat the Devil," stars Gary Oldman. And she ADORES him. So, yay CA magazine.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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