rudie can't fail

01.09.04 @ 2:35 p.m.

I wonder what the selfishness quotient of wearing a button you bought for someone else is? I dodged yet another petition gatherer with a claim of "I don't have time right now" and then went to the CD store to stand staring at the button-encrusted block of foam in front of the cash register. For myself I bought a Clash pin with an illustration of Paul Simonon smashing his bass (a la the cover of London Calling) and I picked up the Joe Strummer pin I've been meaning to get for Martha. Too bad her birthday is still a couple of months away. I could just send it to her and say "Look, I'm Amy, except this gift is relevant to your interests" but meh. I'll ask Moni's opinion later. Anyway, I pinned them both to my scarf so I wouldn't lose them, but I contemplated adding them to the trio of buttons on my jacket lapel. Oh, and this morning, the cashier at the bookstore looked at me and said, "Everyone is wearing buttons. Maybe I need to get one." I had no reply to this.

And what's up with this? Stupid Pedant is in my discussion group, too. Sat next to me, too. But then while he was out of the room, a girl I sort of knew in high school pushed his chair over and claimed the corner of the table for herself. Yay, Amanda. I didn't really know/like her that much in high school, but what the hell. She's someone I already know, so I'd just as soon sit near her. J203 discussion entailed the most horrifying of getting to know you games. Everyone had to go around the room saying his or her name and something 'special' about himself or herself ("Uhhh, my name is Brian and, uhhhhh, one time I at 16 pancakes at once"). But before that they had to list off everyone who came before them. I was second to last. Yeeeeah. Great. Fortunately I was quick and didn't mess anyone's names up.

All other discussion groups were intensely boring. The basic Algebra review in Economics was actually kind of interesting in that it gave me a chance to stretch some mental muscles I normally ignore. And I have to turn in my topic proposal on Monday. Maybe on Saturday I'll be good, get up, and really dig into my project. Ha ha! I even amuse myself. Still, I need to do as much as I can early on so I don't have a massive breakdown in 4 or 5 weeks.

Also, there seems to be some kind of impending project in Italian but pretty much no one paid any attention to what Enrico was saying because he was passing around pictures of Italian festivals at the same time.

I'm having a hard time comprehending the fact that I will not be able to afford messing around on the internet or watching TV for long periods of time this term. Things have to get DONE and that's just one thing I'm not great at.

[Listening to the outro of "Safe European Home" by the Clash, hence the title.]



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