"i'm not mature, i'm just... derelict." - Ray High in Psychoderelict

12.04.03 @ 6:45 p.m.

Moron that I am, I missed the last bus until 7:45, so now I'm stuck here at school until then. Fucking hell.

Liz said something about Jet's "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" sounding just like Iggy Pop's "Lust for Life" and I can't get that out of my head. Both the concept, and the guitar riff which is so damn similar that I can't tell which one is the one actually on repeat inside my brain.

This morning I raced out of the house to see the bus pulling away from the stop. This was distressing, but luckily, the bus driver saw me frantically waving at him and pulled up in front of my house because no one actually parks there. Whew. I still haven't found my gloves, but I haven't yet gone to the bus station to ask lost and found. I was going to , but didn't. I will tomorrow when I hopefully will go to the "Thank God It's Over" NaNoWriMo party. I'm a little nervy because I'll be taking the bus there and while it's a familiar enough route, I've never gotten off at that stop. Well, that's what helpful bus drivers are for, right? [insert nervous laugh here]

On the way to class, Rachel lagged back until I caught up with her and we talked about our respective scores on the Italian oral final. See, when I got there yesterday, I was not only running late, but I couldn't remember how to get to the office. I knew which office it was, just not which door to go in to get to the stairs. Rachel had her final right after mine and helped me find the right stairs. Well. I got a B+ as a pity grade because I panicked a little and gave short answers. I thought I panicked, anyway. Rachel got a C because she froze up enough that she said she started to forget words in English. Hah. I'll miss having class with her, since I have to leave my section due to class time conflicts.

Journalism was much the same as it's been the last few days: watching ads. Apparently design and visual communication can only be applied to advertising. Who knew. We watched a series of Nissan commercials that are apparently in the Museum of Modern Art, they're that damn good. And I did enjoy them, actually. The flagship ad of the series had a little boy chasing a dog that took his baseball into an underground garage where an eccentric asian man (based on a Nissan employee known and loved for his craziness back in the '50s or so) showed him a bunch of cars and trucks. All older ones, which was notable, and none of them being driven. That lead to the famous Ken and Barbie ad, which I remember. GI cruises up to Barbie's pad in a little toy Nissan and she ditches Ken for him. And so on and so forth. Oh! And for the Ken and Barbie one, Van Halen recorded a cover of the Kinks' "You Really Got Me" in exchange for custom cars. I was happy with one where a farmer went off to get him and his wife a new car after their faithful truck finally dies and comes back in a Nissan sedan, driving in circles and figure eights in his fields and singing along with "I'm a Believer" at the top of his lungs. Hee. I'm starting to enjoy commercials far too much.

It also amuses me that teacher like to pimp their own work in classes. Prof. Ryan showed us a series of frankly poorly filmed PSAs for the Oregon Humane Society starring him and his family. The first two featured him and his daughters, and the third had one of his daughters and his wife, who's also a prof. She taught me how to use Quark, actually.

The rest of the day has been slow and lazy. I took an actual nap and read Liverpool Fantasy for far longer than I should have. Perhaps the one good thing about me delaying is that I saw the guy filling the Portland Mercury box as I got off the bus, so I picked up a copy. Except I hate their movie reviews. They're so focused on being hipsters that they hate good movies for the sake of hating them. Admittedly, I'm guilty of a similar thing, reluctance to see movies everyone likes out of spite or misguided principle or something. But still! Pfft. I should check for a Willamette week on the way out of this building. Ahh, free weekly papers.

I finished three pages of the magazine assignment, which has been extended nearly a week, yay, and started on the third to last page. The printer here is dying pathetically, but I'm not letting it bother me because hey, everyone's stuff is going to look crap if they're printing now and there's nothing to do about it. I'm still proud of what I have even if the prof made me change some things stylistically, which I was afraid of, so I only showed him the cover and none of the inner pages.

Oh Pete Townshend, I do love you. I'm listening to Psychoderelict over and over yet again. It's such a good little album. The Gridlife stuff is just unspeakably magnificent and other things like "English Boy", "Now and Then" and "Fake It" are just.... [swoon] so lovely [/swoon]. I want to be home playing my guitar. (More than that, I need the dedication to practice every day rather than every two or three weeks. Christ.)



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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