yo quiero...

12.02.03 @ 11:39 a.m.

Candace, I thought of you yesterday when I was emailing back and forth with my friend Martha about our imaginary bands because she wanted to start a new one called Tango Pirates (actually, she wanted to rename Unusual Fornication but I refused). I asked her to list her imaginary bands because there was one I didn't know, and after she did, she said "Four bands... Who am I? Dave Grohl?"

Anyway, I forgot, yesterday, to talk about Rock History. We finished off the Stones by watching the stabbing at Altamont. Oddly enough, the professor kept saying "No one needs to see that" and yet we watched it and the part where Mick Jagger is watching it on replay. I love the speech Mick was giving to the crowd. He's trying to be hip and cool but be a parent at the same time. "Let's all try to get along, let's get our groove on... Sit down! You can get up later when we all want to jump around at the end, but sit down!" And so on. And I guess I rather like Mick's accent. He amuses me. I also showed the prof the original [rejected] cover of Beggars Banquet and he seemed very pleased by that AND he spotted the copy of Liverpool Fantasy I'm reading and asked me a bunch of questions about it. It was a pretty awesome class. I like being the center of attention sometimes. When I'm being cool rather than the usual making an ass of myself, you know.

I think I lost my brand new suede gloves on the bus last night. I had them when I got on at the university, but inside the house I couldn't find them. This afternoon I'm going to call the lost and found to see if they found them. I'm pretty pissed off at myself because one of the reasons Mom was willing to buy new gloves is that my old ones lasted for years before I lost one of them. I don't lose things that often! (Except my watch this year... and I can't find the chinese purse I took to the White Stripes concert and I want it because it has my cooler peppermint swirl button as opposed to the ugly one Amy bought me...)

And now I should start on my way to Italian, though I don't want to go, and I'm so damn hungry. I can blame it on two things. I'm chewing gum, which usually makes me hungry if I haven't eaten yet, and I just got out of VisComm. Today we ended class by watching four or five of the Taco Bell chiuahua ads. I could murder a plate of nachos right now, I totally could. I'm SO HUNGRY. But there's an hour before I can go home and then I have to eat quickly so I can go to Prof. Ryan's office hours for help on the goddamn cover of Legends, which refuses to print properly STILL. And some people laughed at me in class when I told the girl next to me that the first of the Taco Bell ads we watched was my mom's favorite, because the car in it is identical to her's.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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