crosstown traffic

11.26.03 @ 8:55 p.m.

So I'm at home now in Portland. What are the things that have happened so far?

Well, my dad got in a bit of a huff over the enneagram thing again, but that's to be expected. I argued my side, but half heartedly because I'd really just rather let it drop. (And yet I continue to defend my side when challenged... huh.)

After Mom got home, I think I got a sign as to the next band exploration. See, I don't know why she was over rummaging in the communal CD rack (which is mostly stuff no one listens to and burned copies of CDs I took off to college) and she pulled out a CD. "Who does this belong to?"

It was Beggar's Banquet. Originally, it belonged to me, though that was many years ago and I gave it to Dad before listening to it much at all. I was fine with Hot Rocks at the time and had no great love for Stripped, which was the only other Rolling Stones CD my parents had. And from what I've been able to listen to, I like it. Quite a lot. Though who knows, maybe I could explore the Kinks and the Stones concurrently. Eh. It depends on what I get for my birthday and Christmas, I suppose, since I don't seem to be able to buy CDs for myself lately.

My sister came over because it turns out her fianc�'s cousin lives possibly less than a mile from our house. So Wannie came over with Sean, the future husband, and they chit-chatted and caught up with us. My sister, I may or may not have mentioned, lives in Chicago now and works for the city. Sean goes to DePaul and Joanne (AKA Wannie) does some kind of management thing for a neighborhood where she takes care of a maintanance crew for the street and spends most of her time liasing with people setting up farmer's markets and a group of artists who want to set up a collective. Roger's Park or something like that. I dunno, I don't listen very well. (Bad sister, bad.)

The big thing, though, is that I got me a haircut just an hour ago. And of course, I am enamoured of myself. I got all the bleached stuff cut off and now it's short (for me) and frankly adorable. So vain. I just think it's really cute and can't stop looking at myself in the reflections on the window and in mirrors and stuff. It's ego, but damnit, I'm cute tonight.

Traffic from Eugene was pretty hellish, and we almost got squooshed between cars when we had to stop abruptly. We had to slew off to the right while the people behind us shot off into the shoulder on our left. God knows how we avoided death or at least damaging Jo's mom's car, but we made it home in one piece after three hours of driving.

I know there was something else I wanted to say, but of course I've forgotten and now Rudy (oh boy, extra annoying dogs in the house) is barking his goddamn head off, and it's making my head ache.

(Oh yeah, I realized I accidentally brought the laundry room key with me to Portland and said "Oh shit!" when I realized, right in front of my dad. Apparently I'm not supposed to swear in front of my parents yet, though my dad doesn't seem to really care.)

(Also, I bought "I Believe In A Thing Called Love" off the iTunes store, yipee.)

[title track by Jimi Hendrix]



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