eminence front

11.23.03 @ 12:45 a.m.

What were the fantastic and fascinating landmarks that will mark today on the timeline of my life?

Well, almost nothing, really. I'm so boring.

With any luck, the Jehovah's Witnesses that somehow got Ena into their Bible-study clutches (though she repeatedly assures me she has no intention of converting to Christianity, she just wants some more basic knowledge of the religion) (to which my mom said she'd get a screwy picture of Christianity and I, having been good friends with a Jehovah's Witness in junior high, agree) won't be coming around anymore after I told Ena that I feel obligated to stay in my room when they're here and that makes me uncomfortable. Which is true enough, though in some part it's because I'm afraid I'll start saying some really mean spirited things. I've had a bad time with religion, really.

And while I've done nothing on my journalism project and almost nothing on the NaNovel, I've managed to waste a good hour and a half (while watching "Mystery!: The Dark Origins of Sherlock Holmes", best Mystery! series EVER) playing with icon building software. The thing is, I downloaded some entrancing Scary Go Round icons this afternoon (entrancing because the picture is different based on the size of the icon) and wanted to try to figure out how it was done.


Which will probably change into something new tomorrow.

Now I'm tired, almost every station in Eugene is off air or something I hate (MTV2 is all hip-hop, Fox has an inexplicable Marilyn Manson video, NBC is a trashy celeb gossip show, The Civil War game is being replayed on ABC), and I don't know what to do right now. I don't like that Ena's always gone (I think it's because it makes me more aware of how much time I spend at the house alone and how loserly that makes me feel) especially with my overactive sense of paranoia. Also, our neighborhood is dead. All the time. If it weren't for the cars and buses passing through, I'd start to doubt anyone lives here. (Which is so not true, one day I was walking back from the grocery store and was thrilled to hear someone practicing their drums.) It's all slightly creepy. I dunno, I should retreat to my room and either write, draw layouts for Legends Magazine, or look for a photo for my Italian final project. And yet... I'll probably end up reading a book I've read before. Or another short story out of The World's Best SF 1978. Feeling very, very geek tonight.

[title track is a late Who song that I don't even particularly like]



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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