
11.22.03 @ 1:33 a.m.

Champagne giddy, for all that I hardly drank any. Ena, however, drank two glasses in the time it took us to open the bottle and watch Bridget Jones' Diary (I omit the second 's' because it is a grammatical TRAVESTY), which might explain why she was so red so fast (and for so long.) We were all of us (me, Ena, Ming Chi, and Danae the ex-RA) going to see Love Actually but Ena felt sick as soon as she got up from her semi-recumbant position at the end of BJD and copped out. Ming Chi elected to stay with her, so it was just me and Danae.

Which was quite fun, actually. The movie was food for the romantic movie dependent soul, especially for two girls with Colin Firth fixations. (Oh Mr. Darcy, how we love you...) I liked his bit with Aurelia. Er, or whatever her name was. Also that he was a writer. Sexy, sexy writers.


Hugh Grant was also cuteness, as much as I hate to admit it. Alan Rickman made me sad. The two stand ins were amusing.

You know, I actually quite like wine until I swallow it. Then it hits the back of my tongue, the part that sense bitter, and it's kind of eugh. I'm such a wuss about alcohol. I'm halfway wanting to get stupid and tipsy just for the hell of it, but I know I probably won't. I got all flushed with the champagne earlier (which I had to open, by the way, because everyone else is a wuss... well, Danae coached Ena until Ena gave up and then I took over and shot the cork into the lawn somewhere. Splashed champagne all over the front steps. Woo. I can't stop drinking the glass I was poured a good four hours ago. It's totally flat. And yet, it's here. I wish we had orange juice (that wasn't expired, ew) to mix with it, because after Danae's suggestion, I totally think that it would be lovely.

At any rate, I'm glad Danae came over. I'm glad we went to the movie, because it was a lot of fun. I wasn't planning anything for tonight except sitting around novelling (aaah, am so screwed on that front) and maybe watching a movie, likely Almost Famous. I toyed with inviting Moni over because she came over to me in the library this morning while I was using a translating site to check my Italian homework and offered to redye my hair, and politely berated me for never calling her. I told her that come Thanksgiving Weekend, I'm getting the bleached part chopped off. Goodbye to the hair dye experiment. Moni seems shocked that I would prefer to spend the break with my family rather than all by my lonesome in Eugene after she suggested I try to find holiday work here. The prospect of spending time at home is so, so much more attractive. I'm starting to wonder if the university has any classes in Portland or if I can take PCC or PSU classes over the summer so I can still be gainfully employed by the Hillsboro school district and get me some credits on the cheap. The only problem there is that while working for the school district, I get home at 3:30 and am dead tired and in bed by 10. I never realized how much manual labor can just exhaust you (as well as giving you sore muscles).

So sleepy. Must go to bed and sleep like a log until ungodly lateness tomorrow (especially blasphemous as there will be Jehovah's Witnesses in my dining room in the early afternoon, yee haw).

[Let's pretend the title track isn't just me fixating on my extremely small alcohol intake tonight and say it's a track from the movie version of Tommy. Ah, drunken Ann-Margret. You amuse me so much with your inappropriately sexual writhing in that scene.]

Edit: Just wanted to add this -- New love: Scary Go Round (which goes with the Diesel Sweeties love.)



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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