video killed the radio star

10.17.03 @ 11:55 p.m.

Vwerg. Am tired.

But I'm happily back in the city of my birth, back in my parent's house, not that anything ever stays the same. *sigh* For one, the big TV has been mysteriously wheeled away and instead little wuss TV is perched on the funky shelf above the stairs. And... fuck. It's late, my parents have already gone to bed, and I, uh, don't have any pillows. I had two sets, but somehow they both migrated to Eugene and now I have NOTHING. Except my big poofy body pillow and I am so going to have a neckache tomorrow if I sleep on that.

Who give a fuck, though? Apart from me?

So. Got up, bolted down a small bowl of cereal because I knew it was the only food I was going to get until at least 4:30, and went to school. In between my classes, I laid on a bench in a nice, park like area next to Friendly Hall because the weather was absolutely gorgeous today. Stunning. 45 minutes of doing nothing more strenuous than reading the Portland Mercury. Then, for now good reason, I left Italian ten minutes early. I told the teacher I had to go at 20 to 1 because I had "un appuntamento importante" and was just hoping to catch an early bus to the train station. Didn't. But I sat in the sun for 10 minutes or so.

I got to the PDX Amtrak station and wandered around with no Mom in sight. I got slightly worried until it occurred to me to go down a block and look in the Greyhound station. I am fantastically lucky that those stations are next to each other, or I'd be screwed, 'cause there she was. I even had to call "Maureen!" several times after she failed to respond to "Mom?"

Dad and I went out tonight to glamorous... Office Depot. I bought some corkboard for above my desk and he bought a firewire cable for his camcorder. A large amount of my night (and likely a lot of time in the future) has been devoted to learning how to use iMovie. I imported a little bit of footage of Billy Boy gaiting and I've played with it a lot, but I'm still not quite certain how everything works. Basically, the last hour of iMovie practice was me showing dad his dog moving in slow motion, then trying out different transitions and setting the whole thing to White Stripes songs. Or Clash. The last one I used was the Clash's "Wrong 'Em Boyo" because it has the name Billy in the lyrics.

I also made Dad watch a whole bunch of TKAA, but to my disappointment (initially) he was more interested in me playing with the video on my laptop ('til I shut 'er down) and then he started to FALL ASLEEP. On THE WHO. I'm horrified. But I can see how that movie can be a bit much for the non-fan. Also, the "Baba O'Riley" dancing (and the little butt-wiggle) gets made fun of, especially since I don't feel at liberty to giggle and declare Pete the cutest thing in the universe. (He is, you know.)

I'm tired. Yawning. So I guess since I can't be very interesting, I'll just go.

[School of Rock tomorrow! Possibly with Martha!]



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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