oh no, i'm not long winded, of course not

09.28.03 @ 12:17 a.m.

The mysterious and alarming thing is that right this second, I hurt almost everywhere. Or it feels like that. A dull ache in my chest and ears. I feel like I'm not breathing but I know I am. Basically, I'm frightened and horrified by my body. Also, the very end of my right big toe has been slightly numb for like, a day and a half now. Okay, pain went away, but I still feel heavy. Possibly because I've been grazing on party food for two days and haven't had lots of bathroom opportunity. TMI and hypochondria, what a charming way to start my party recap entry.

About half an hour ago I got back from Andrew and Amy's townhouse. Which is no bigger than a two bedroom apt except maybe that they have a washer and dryer in a nook and one and a half bathrooms. (I feel very odd writing right now because I'm in a room with like, a dozen of E*'s friends who are intently watching The Pillow Book, which I'm decidedly NOT watching right now because it's more than an hour into it and I want to see the whole thing, damnit. But everyone is concentrating on the movie very silently and it makes me feel strange.) Anyway, good, wholesome, 1950sesque kids that we are, we spent a large amount of time today playing Hoopla and Scattergories AGAIN. I have played Hoopla so damn much. And yet, it's totally fun. Plus Martha, Amy, Moni, and I produced our own variation, which is no team play (everyone guesses, everyone just takes their turn) and instead of trying to get through all your cards before the timer runs out, you just make a giant pile and keep playing until the timer ends, so you try to do as many cards as you can until it dings. Much fun. And I'm hating the charades-y ones less.

I could start at the beginning, I suppose. Martha, Amy, Andrew, Paige, and Moni came to my house yesterday evening, where we talked endlessly, played myriad board games, and watched the fuzzy reception of MTV2, which for some reason we get via broadcast TV.

Holy shit. Let's highlight E*'s lack of common sense for a moment: God knows how long it was sitting out, but I just noticed a MASSIVE puddle of melted mint chocolate chip ice cream pooling across the new dining room table. Actually, if it was just on the table, it would not nearly be so bad as what actually happened, which is that it melted across the big woven hot pad my mom gave me. So it's now filled with liquid mint ice cream. Fucking hell. You put ice cream back in the freezer before you start watching what appears to be a very long movie. Aagh.

Okay. We also went down to Amazon Park to play on the playground equipment, which was mildly scary because there were no lights. Which seemed odd. Last time I went there was the light from the pool, but it wasn't open last night. Then there was the scariness written about in the last entry. More just hanging out. I make it sound so boring, but I had a lot of fun just being with my friends. Moni left last night, Paige left first this morning (in which we watched the 1989 Who Tommy concert video so I could show Martha the horror of Pete's hair and we mocked his Baba O'Riley dancing. Sacrilige, I know, Candace, but it's not nearly as cute and good as it is in TKAA. Which is in the mail from Amazon.com! Hurrah!) Eventually, Amy took off, and Martha, Andrew, and I followed soon after.

More of the same at Andrew's house, except that Andrew's crazy parents, Jeff and Leena, were there. They made far too much food, including grilled albacore tuna and steaks. And ribs. And fucking buffalo jerky, if you can believe that. I ate some. It was spicy. Maybe they were Beefalos, but we passed the place where they sell it and the sign said "Buffalo Jerky," so I guess I can say I've now eaten buffalo. Too much food is very much and Andrew's family thing. I ate so much steak and salad and snacky stuff. We bought a huge bag of mixed Hershey candy, namely Miniatures, Kisses, and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. So we were huge pigs. I also drank to RC Colas and a can of rootbeer. Sugar, sugar, sugar. We watched several episodes of SNL, endless football games (not our choice) and played, well, more Hoopla, like I said earlier. And ate. Jeff and Leena are so not parent like. They swear and pal around with their sons' friends. Jeff especially jokes around, calling people bitch and trying to be like part of the group. Sometimes it's surreal, but mostly it's amusing. He also has a disturbing knowledge of drugs. I'm sure I've mentioned this a thousand times, but when we watched Sid & Nancy, he was full of facts about methadone and lady H. (Is it strange to be a straight edge girl slinging around drug lingo? And being amused and intrigued by heroin use? Sid Vicious amuses the hell out of me, but I don't want to shoot up.)

I should finish soon, I think. Before the Oregon State game ended, Moni and I took off back to Eugene to try to avoid the traffic from people leaving the stadium. We were semi-successful. Moni and I chatted about fanfic and the... well, maybe mechanics, maybe ideals behind it. I talked about the idea (rationalization) of fanfic as 'writing practice.' And the kind of people that get into it. And I just talked about writing in general. Because I like it, I'm interested in it, and we were discussing our possible futures, like what the fuck I should do, degree wise. Sometimes I wish I could just go to a school of broadcasting and work in radio. Or learn the boards at the campus station and engineer for people. I love radio stations. Sitting in the booth at KBOO is a thrill.

Anyway. E*'s friends are now all sitting outside. Driven out by the heat? By me sitting at the dining table writing, writing, writing? Who knows. Maybe they're just lingering on their way home. I spoke awkwardly with the non-English speakers briefly. I didn't expect to see Ming Chi again so soon, but she was here as well as one of the other people living in her boarding house. I guess they were arranging who is driving who home and E* is directing someone to said boarding house. Not that anyone cares. Not that it makes tons of sense.

Fuck it all. I wrote too much. I started my lyrics notebook and want to continue working on it. Kind of. Kind of want to watch TV. Well, I was going to watch the end of SNL, but it's already one. So I guess not. I should sleep in spite of my hypochondria (pain went away, pain came back briefly, went away again. I think I'm just reacting to bad, bad food consumption. No more buffalo for me, I suppose. I bet buffalo jerky before bed would give you insane dreams) so I can peruse textbooks tomorrow and buy me some notebooks... fuck. No bus from here on Sunday. Replanning is in order.

Goodnight. For real this time.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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