hotel yorba

08.15.03 @ 8:53 p.m.

My ears are ringing just a little bit. I got me a new stereo.

I know, I said the same thing a few days ago. But we returned that stereo with its horrible hissing noise today in favor of a similarly pretty Panasonic. Five disc. It's pretty nice, really. I'm quite happy with it, provided nothing goes horribly wrong.

Today was actually a bit of a spending spree at good ol' Fred Meyer. For those not living in Oregon or Washington, Fred Meyer is the everything store. They're like... a fusion of a Target and a supermarket with a Northwest attitude. And it's my favorite store ever, because they just have EVERYTHING. So we blew the giftcard that had all the money from the OLD stereo on it. Well, I did. All but $20 of it.

I boughtWhite Blood Cells by the White Stripes. I just HAD to get the copy I got because it was the only one there that had a bonus DVD attached to it for the same price. So now I have the videos for "Hotel Yorba," "Fell In Love With A Girl," "Dead Leaves and Dirty Ground" and "We're Going To Be Friends." Plus two bonus songs that I haven't really listened to yet, "Hand Springs" and something with Lafayette in the title. I'm quite happy with it. I also spent about $45 on underwear and blank t-shirts so I can make my "This guitar has seconds to live" shirt. The last bit of the money from the old stereo went toward the new stereo. Mom was really reluctant to get it because they only had the display model left and somehow she thought the problems from the last one (also the display model) would repeat in this one. I see no problems yet.

*twaaaaaaaang* That sound is my thoughts vibrating in harmony with those of Candace's. My imagination runs wild sometimes with the way I think things could be if I could let myself open up a bit and be less anti-social when I'm at school. I would say that I've never had a boyfriend and it might as well be so, but there was an awkward situation of mutual 'like' in sixth grade. The boy in question ended up becoming a total bastard to me when he realized he was moving away and it ended rather sadly, with me hating him. I don't know what his feelings were. I don't want to think that he poisoned me against relationships or something like that.


The spending spree came after work. Yesterday was a total bitch. It was over 90 degrees and I had to work out in the direct sunlight. Raking the fucking leaves. Beth, the coworker I get along with best, hurt her shoulder. I knew it was coming, that she was overexerting herself when she lifted the heavy buckets of yard debris into the dump truck. A couple of days this week Heavy Metal Jason was replaced by this guy Tyler, whom I hated almost immediatly because instead of doing any of the hard work, he spent the first day wandering around with the leaf blower doing nothing useful. The second day wasn't much better. He's crap at raking and Juan and Servando criticize our work because of his laziness. Which makes him sound awful, but he was very passive agressive about it. He's nice enough on his own, really quiet. Not good at yard work, but okay in general. Today it wasn't nearly as hot. It was quite pleasant and almost perfect conditions for working outdoors.

So they put me on inside work.

I opened, stirred, and marked 50 cans of paint with their contents. Guess what? They were all untinted base. Woo. And I filed things. Actually, none of it was as boring as it sounds, mostly because my mind wanders where it will, but I would have been much happier if yesterday and today had been flipped.

Pirates again tomorrow with Jodi!



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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