stuck in the middle

08.12.03 @ 10:07 p.m.

A short entry, because I'm getting tired.

Work was the same as always, except that I listened to Tommy and Psychoderelict today while working. And so I am in "Pete Townshend is a fucking genius" mode. Bear with me, non-Who fans. : )

The interesting thing of today was that I went bowling (!) with Martha, Andrew, and this guy named Kai. Kai is an ex-boyfriend of Andrew's and claims to be 'reformed' which is to say that he says he's become straight. Which, having spent nearly three hours with him, I don't believe one bit. Now, I suck at bowling but not as bad as I suck at pool (or billiards, I suppose), which was the other activity of the night. Kai was so super-competitive that I had almost no fun. I mean, it's one thing to play with Andrew and Martha and goof around, not caring who wins, but this guy was such an ass. He'd purposefully whack my cue when I was trying to line up a shot.

I really want to hate him on just a couple of hours acquaintance because he grated on my nerves so badly. Aggh, Andrew, what did you see in this boy? I mean, who claims to be not very good at bowling but brings his own shoes and bowling ball??

Ugh. Not fun at all. But we all had pseudonyms for the scoreboard. Andrew was "Sweet Magnolia," which was a scent of incense at The Rage in Cannon Beach and has become a favorite random exclamation of Martha's, Martha was "Janie Jones," after the Clash song, and Kai was "Huggy Bear" because we couldn't think of anything (hey, Martha and I don't even know the guy!) ("Huggy Bear?" "He's America's favorite pimp!" "Oh, okay then.") and we were intrigued by the idea of Snoop Dogg in the movie role. Me, I was "Sally Simpson." Which was the only thing that came to mind after listening to Tommy this morning.

So. I'm stuck somewhere between being happy to be out with my friends and being annoyed that I spent my evening with an over competitive ass. I guess it about evens out.

And pushing it over into good was my vague mention of craving some pumpkin pie a couple of nights ago resulted in my dad making said pie tonight. And it was DAMN GOOD.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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