getting in tune

08.06.03 @ 11:20 p.m.

I'm tired again, but it's all good. I'm sleeping pretty well since I'm exhausting myself and the backbreaking outdoor labor is one week only. I might end up missing Juan and Salvado's relaxed attitudes, though. They're the two groundskeepers who tell us what to do. They also tend to leave for long periods of time and sit around in their truck making the standard 15 minute break stretch to, oh, between half and hour and 45 minutes.

It's when they take the tools away from us and leave us standing around like idiots that I feel like an utter slacker.

When I got home, I had the opportunity to go to Imbrie House restaurant with my parents, uncle, and grandmother to celebrate my dead grandfather's birthday. But I was tired and I don't like the food at Imbrie House, on top ofwhich Martha and Andrew were supposed to call if they decided to go see Pirates again after I got home. So I took a shower and relaxed in my room for a while then checked my email and started writing this entry offline. I only got as far as the first paragraph when they called.

Instead of going out, though, we went to Andrew's house and watched I Shot Andy Warhol, about Valerie whatshername. I kind of zoned through some of it and Andrew's parents always like to talk over movies. Oh yeah, we also watched (and played along with) College Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune, mocking the contestants. That was my evening. I'm a little sad that I didn't get to spend the day in Portland with Martha and Andrew. They went to Urban Outfitters and spent too much money (which is just my opinion of Urban Outfitters, though I do like a lot of their clothes) and played Hipster Bingo yet again without me. I reckon I'll have to find the link for Hipster Bingo. Martha sent it to me last month, so I must still have the email.

I'm quite tired, which is astonishing to me since it's only, gee, 10:55. I'm used to staying up until 2.

Two unexpected things:

-A former high school classmate, Brad, is also working at Facilities with me. He kept looking at me during morning meeting with a "Who the hell are you and why do you look familiar?" expression on his face. Either that, or he was mirroring my probably "Oh shit, Glencoe [High School]" face. We're not on the same crew, though, so there was a minimum of awkward moments.

-Also one of the best moments of social interaction I've ever experienced. Andrew and I were talking while Martha parked her car and he unlocked his with his little remote keychain. I made some comment about 'fancy cars' and he walked back to Martha's car to get the rest of the things we picked up at the various stores we stopped at [oh man, Chuck Taylors are so damn cheap at GI Joes, I'm going to try to convince my parents to take me so I can get red ones, woohoo] and he said, "Oh yeah, I sold my car."

Then, as if it were no big deal at all....

The very definition of 'casual'...

"And I came out to my parents."

Is it not cool that he can just be so nonchalant about it? Not that I expected his hippie parents to be anything but cool with his sexuality [Haha, I'm just remembering Jeff (Andrew's dad) and his startling and slightly disturbing knowledge of methadone], but I was just plain impressed with Andrew's sheer nonchalance.

(Title track by The Who)



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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