a boy's best friend

07.11.03 @ 11:05 p.m.

My dad told me the other night that he heard that John Ashcroft is deathly afriad of calico cats. Apparently they're some kind of messanger of the devil. Or something like that. I find this ceaselessly amusing.

I don't have anything much to say besides the fact that I made a resolution for today: no reading any of The Stand or any Regency books today. I've kept that rather well. Except that I read some new and updated stories at the DWG. *sigh* Naughty me. On the other hand, I managed to rewrite a couple of pages (handwritten) of a story I likely lost on my laptop. I still need to take it in to see if I can get the data recovered. I'd hate to have to go through and redownload all those Who pictures, remake all those desktop images, etc. etc.

For the hell of it, and because I have nothing in particular to write about today, I'm doing Friday Five for the first time.

1. Do you remember your first best friend? Who was it?

She's still my best friend, at least in name. Her name is Jodi, and we met because we were neighbors. We're nearly the same age (I'm about seven months older than she) and spent most of our early childhood together (from the time I was three and she was two) and were in Kindergarten together. After that, we were always in separate classes except in fourth and sixth grades. However, we're both smart and ended up in the same reading and math classes most of the time. It was a small school, the principal knew us both. I have to wonder if they kept us split up on purpose. I did, after all, cry the first day of school because we weren't sitting next to each other.

2. Are you still in touch with this person?

A little. Our families are still neighbors so we kind of see each other during summers. She called me a few weeks ago from Alaska, where she's doing an internship. Every now and then we email or have an AIM conversation, but for the most part we don't talk much. Somehow I think she'd tell me if she got engaged or something, but I don't know if I would think to tell her if something momentous happened in my life. I tend to think that she likes me more than I like her and I've always secretly thought I was better, smarter than her. I probably get that from my dad, who's the same way. That's totally not good, I know. So, anyway, we still exchange gifts at Christmas and birthdays and occasionally hang out, but we're not best friends the way we used to be.

3. Do you have a current close friend?

I pretty much consider my friend Martha to be my actual best friend, where Jodi gets the title. It probably doesn't go both ways, though, because Martha is still tight with her childhood friends and I only came along in high school. But I think we tend to think alike and find the same sort of thing funny. There is little that is more fun than spending time with Martha and Andrew.

4. How did you become friends with this person?

Well, I know that we were in some classes together in junior high, but there Martha remembers me where I don't really remember her. I think I was first aware of her when we had Geometry together in the ninth grade. She sat two or three seats behind me, I remember that much. I don't think I became friends with her until tenth grade, when I started eating lunch with her. I think we had math together that year, too. Martha and I and a girl named Paige who was a mutual friend all sat together in Math and at lunch. A couple of days in one week Martha gave me the end of her Caffine Free Pepsi and something made me either spit it up or snork it out my nose. I became infamous for that for a while. One of the facilitating things about our friendship was that Martha brought her lunch to school in a Monkees lunchbox every day for three years. She is directly responsible for my resurgance of Monkees fandom a few years back. The other thing that kept friendship running merrily along is that I befriended Andrew in ninth grade. We had Japanese together and on the first day we had to pick "study buddies," someone to ask what we missed if we ever missed a day of school. I looked at Andrew and asked if he wanted to be my study buddy. Booyah. One of the fun things about that is that in three years of Japanese, I watched Andrew bloom into the outgoing, flamboyant gay man he is today. The point of that is that Andrew and Martha went to the same elementary school together and have been friends for years upon years. Basically, in high school, I found myself entering a prexisting group of friends. They're my close friends now. Plus there's Amy, who worked her way into that group somehow, too. I'm not quite sure how that happened. She went to elementary school with me. Then she got into a whole unrequited love thing with Andrew (that to my knowledge is still going strong) and now that's somewhat of a mess. But I totally digress there.

5. Is there a friend from your past that you wish you were still in contact with? Why?

Oh, sure, lots of them. Scott, lately. He was the focus of a massive crush during my junior high and early high school years. We were quite close friends in junior high and took three years of Japanese together (there was only one Japanese class for my level--there were a lot of people I saw every day for three years). I miss him lately because I've been having dreams about him. He was so sweet and outgoing and I miss him a lot. I remember that his friend Dallas once tried to 'fix us up' back in eighth grade when I confided my crush to Dallas. He confided his crush on a girl named Kristen to me and I was generally really good friends with them both. We also were in CIA together, which was a school charity group called "Compassion In Action" which meant we organized penny drives, worked at food kitchens, and the like. I joined to hang out with him, to be honest. I miss some other people, too. Krystal, the quiet Jehovah's Witness turned punk (last time I saw her in Portland, which was, oh, two or three years back) who wrote constantly and wore too much makeup. Dallas, boy confidant and general good guy. Vicki, wild and crazy gal and high school pal until she dropped out after junior year. They were all good people and it would be nice to go back to a time when I made friends easily. When I had lots of friends all the time. I haven't made any new friends at college except a few girls from my first years in the halls and my roommate, E*. I wonder if I still have feelings for Scott? A lot of my dreams have been kind of affectionately cuddly, not that romantic but just nice. It's an interesting thought.

And this has gotten far, far too long and wordy. Ta.

PS- Since I'm pimping myself by using up some of my banner views, I guess I'll clarify that, despite my entry title, I'm a girl. And a bit paranoid if I feel I need to clarify this.



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