
07.09.03 @ 8:06 p.m.

Quote of the Day (courtesty VH1): "Now that's the Mr. Rotten (nee John Lydon) anyone who's ever worn a safety pin in his or her ear has come to expect."

Well, I'm kind of a flake in that I forgot to upload the picture I linked to in my last entry. So here it is:

Hopefully I'm not stupid again and that'll work. Today has been really long because I actually got up at a reasonable hour. Actually, I've been waking up naturally at about 7:45 every morning but can't face the idea of getting up that early, and so I go back to sleep and end up sleeping far too long. But I had to get up today to welcome our perennial guest (more than that, actually, we get him several times a year), Rudy. He's a male corgi of indeterminate age that I dogsit many holidays and is my primary source of income. He's also a bloody nuisance a lot of the time because my dog gets horribly jealous and starts acting all snarky and mean. Add on to that the fact that he was handed over to us with the announcement that someone upset his delicate constitution with table scraps. Well. I had to do some unpleasant cleaning up when we got back from taking the dogs for a walk and am a bit horrified by that. So while the money is much needed, it's not the most exciting of tasks. I might be able to help some guy set up a doggy day care at the start of August, but I'd only be able to help out for a month and so the guy might not be interested in hiring me.

Yesterday I went out driving with my mom and actually it was kind of fun. We went around and around the parking lot of the Department of Environmental quality, which has lanes and things to go up and down. Mostly I was trying to practice stopping and starting without stalling out the car. I did rather well at first, but got less and less skilled as the evening progressed. Dad wanted me to go out driving with him tonight, but frankly, I don't think he's a great driver nor a patient teacher. Hell, he does this horrible road-rage-y surging up behind people when he's impatient. I don't want that, I don't want to deal with that. So I said I was too busy.

Right now, in fact, I'm wondering where the hell my watercolor crayons went so I can color a set of Gingerbread Man puppets my mom asked me to make for the class she's doing her English as a Second Language internship in. And I wanted to do it all fancy. Well, if I can't find the tin of crayons, I'll just use my colored pencils, which are in a plastic box with all my acrylic paints. I also printed out the target I'm going to iron on the the shirt I have. I just have to decide if I want to wash the shirt first or wait until I've already done the ironing on. That could be the critical difference in why my shirts turn out killer and haven't started to disintegrate yet (unlike Andrew and Martha, whose shirts start to peel and crack almost immediately) even though I wear them all the time. I always wash clothes right after buying them. Plus I'd kind of like to be able to start wearing my green baseball shirt. And it's just plain time I do some laundry.

Freaky thing: I spent a lot of time thinking about Pete Townshend in relation to a story I had been writing about Monterey Pop. I was fictionalizing in my mind his serious troubles with addiction right before I went to sleep, and as a result, one of my dreams last night ended with Martha, Andrew, Scott (of junior high who I can't stop dreaming about lately), and I saved Pete and some other scientists (he was a scientist in a fur lined parka) from almost certain death in some unexplained way by breaking into this house he was in (with two or three others). It was odd and unnerving and I didn't write it down because I didn't want to remember.

That's enough for now, I think, eh? Now you must see this.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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