zoot suit

07.08.03 @ 2:11 p.m.

Thanks, Liz about the button maker thing. Once Martha and I spent a lot of time laughing while picturing some hard core punk rocker making all his buttons on the little girly, flowery button maker. Today I shall make a baseball shirt with navy blue sleeves and a great big mod target on the front. Like so:

Only I think with the blue circle a little thicker. That took entirely too long to make, plus my parents' old computer keeps freaking out on me and quitting programs right and left. It's a bloody nuisance.

I haven't done much work on my novel, sadly. Not since the one day I dragged it outside to read through it (hah) and make some annotations of what I plan to change. Poor Emma and Beck, they're trapped in that mass of plot holes and wildly wavering personalities. Miss Carmichael goes from cheery to painfully withdrawn to bizarrely vindictive. She's different every time she appears. Plus the Brandon sisters, I noticed last time I tried to read through, swapped personalities somewhere in between their two appearances in the novel. I dunno, I'm kind of feeling the need to shake off Regency for a while, which makes me reluctant to work on my own novel. Gah.

Right now I'm reading Behind Blue Eyes again and am marking places whenever something is funny or appeals to me, like an anecdote about Entwistle tying Peter Frampton to a radiator when they were both teenage musicians and this sentence: "The age of the mod was upon Britain, and Townshend, an emotionally isolated, insecure entry-level musician and composer, was about to be crowned its moody king." I just think that's brilliant, absolutely brilliant. And there was a little bit about Towser (hee) falling for this girl at art school that rather liked him, too, but he'd made up all these outrageous lies to impress her. It's completely the song "We Close Tonight." I was amazed and thrilled because I really like "We Close Tonight." (Candace, do you know that one? It's off the newer Odds & Sods. If I had my laptop, I'd post an MP3 of it for you. Maybe after I get it fixed I'll put it up on my university server space.)

I'm listening to Quadrophenia today, which I haven't done in a little while. Lately it makes me think of fantastic Prof. Saunders. I know he rather likes the album, too. I think that it's my favorite, though Who's Next has been getting a lot of play in the last couple of weeks. In "Cut My Hair," they sing what I think is a quote from their early single, "Zoot Suit" which I've never heard, so I don't know for sure. The lyrics are "Zoot suit, white jacket with side vents / Five inches long / I'm out on the street again / And I'm leaping along..." Jeez, all this build up for some stupid little thought I had. Well, the thing is, almost every time I hear that, I think of Zooboomafoo, that Kratt brother's PBS show with the lemur, Zaboo. He always talks about how, one day, in Zabooland, he was leaping along ("leap, leap, leap") and so now my brain is totally plagued with images of either the little claymation Zaboo in a pinstripe suit offering leapers (amphetamines) to the other critters of Zabooland OR Zaboo leaping along and running into a little cartoon Mod (Jimmy Cooper, one would assume) who would offer HIM a bagful of leapers. Either way, I'm mentally corrupting a children's program and it amuses the hell out of me. Haha, I just picture Keith Moon in there instead of Jimmy (who's fictional anyway, but Zabooland is claymation, so what does it matter?) And Zaboo in a finely tailored Mod suit and big sunglasses, ah, it's all too much. It's all rather silly.

I've done almost nothing for DAYS. Driving practice tonight, but the weather is looking rather dark and forboding, so I guess no yard work. I'm still kind of sore from a couple of days ago (read: I'm a huge wuss.) Maybe I'll practice guitar a little today.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
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