too much of anything

06.26.03 @ 10:26 p.m.


I hate this computer, I hate my computer, I HATE ALL COMPUTERS!

First, I just blew out my iBook. Well, that is to say I tried to install some old scanner software (HUGE MISTAKE) and ended up messing up the disk. I think that maybe it all got erased. I'm going to see if maybe some data recovery can be done at the Mac Store in Portland.

Secondly, this computer is crap. Netscape quit itself while I was in the middle of writing my last incarnation of this entry.

I should have known when I woke up that this would be a lousy day. I was mislead by the pleasant time I spent at the library.

I woke up feeling sick. I had a headache that woke me repeatedly since before seven. Still, I didn't want to get out of bed, so I just woke up every ten minutes until about eleven. Then I got up and was hit by a wave of nausea and a vaguely fevery feeling. That, along with lightheadedness and weakness, stuck with me all day. Now it's night and my head still kind of hurts and I'm really lethargic, but I think I'm okay now. I hope I am, because I'm supposed to go to Portland with Martha tomorrow. But I got up, got my laundry, showered, and forced myself to eat.

Mom came back and we went to the DMV and the library. The DMV actually went well and quickly. I got there before a huge clump of people and hardly had to wait in line at all. And all I needed to do was get a new permit and a new picture. I'm fonder of the old picture. My hair is all wavy because I air dryed it instead of blow drying it and it's oddly spread out on my shoulders. Eh well. It's good enough. The library was actually quite nice. I got a big pile of books, including About a Boy by Nick Hornby (author of High Fidelity), Pete's bio (Behind Blue Eyes) and a copy of Lifehouse Elements. Also a stack of stuff from the Paperback Exchange, but none of them romances. I stuck to the classy shelf this time. Hahaha. Mom had a bunch of research to do, so I sat and started Pete's bio for a while.

Amusing quote:

"As I look back on it, it all seems unbelievably healthy. Teenagers should never experiment with heroin; they should stick to the tried and tested pastimes of sex and housebreaking."
--Pete Townshend

Also purchased: a nice little vase, plain glass and very elegant. $.50

So it's only the evening that leaves me feeling totally screwed over. AAAGH. I hate computers!



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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