getting better

06.27.03 @ 11:08 p.m.

Today was pretty good. I went downtown with Martha. We went to Powell's (the ultimate fabulous bookstore, biggest privately owned bookstore in the US) and while I couldn't find Lifehouse (turns out it's at the OTHER Powell's), I couldn't resist picking up Horse's Neck when it was at the low, low price of $4. And I bought my favorite Ursula Le Guin book. Before that, we went to a big toystore downtown so that Martha could find something to decorate her fishtank. I bought some stickers of puppies because they had both German Shepherds and Pembroke Welsh Corgies on the sheet. We also went to Lloyd Center, which once upon a time was the largest mall in the US. It's... pretty big, I guess. Anyway, we went to Torrid and Hot Topic mostly. Walking through Meier and Frank, some big thuggy guys were acting almost ridiculously gang-y. Stupid. I was people watching as we went up the escalator and some guy did a nod and kissy thing and said, "Hey, baby." I think he called me a bitch when I turned away and kind of snickered. But come on! How clich� is that? Hey, baby?

We perused hair dye at Hot Topic. Martha was enthused. We've decided that she and Andrew are going to help me dye the lower part of my hair. Like the bottom fringe. Andrew and I originally thought red, but I'm kind of inclined to Martha's suggestion of dark blue. I'd always match my jeans, right?

So there's this ad in the Portland Mercury where someone is looking for a guy ("or a chick!") to make up the other half of his White Stripes cover band. The ad also claims that the musicians could "trade off being Jack and Meg (I have wigs)." We find this ceaselessly amusing, of course. So now that I've learned "Seven Nation Army" on my electric guitar, I've been joking that now I can join that band. All day I kept picking up items (usually bracelets or big leather or vinyl wrist bands) and saying "I should wear this when I join that White Stripes cover band." Yeah, I'm kind of snarky and stupid sometimes. But it was funny. I was also probably doing it because Martha found it very amusing that I left my two White Stripes CDs lying out and he said "What's with them and Blazer colors?" (The Portland Trail Blazers being our local NBA team, who's colors are quite obviously red, white and black.)

Once upon a time, I used to hate using overdive on my amp. Now, ahaha, I turn up the gain on the amp so high you can't discern individual notes. And songs sound pretty kick-ass. I can play sloppy, bad chords and you can't tell! Wheee! Mostly I just keep playing Seven Nation Army in the hopes I can get up some speed on it and get to enough proficiency to sing along without fouling up my chords or whatever. I can't do both at the same time. Not yet, not with this new song. It's shockingly easy to play SNA. I mean, all I have to do really is use the E barr chord shape (that's the one that F is, right? I have no idea) and move it around. Just playing the bottom (i.e. low pitch) strings... I'm getting better at playing with a pick, something I didn't used to be good at at all. I preferred not to, because I usually just hit the wrong string anyway, but I'm getting better.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
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harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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