polythene pam

06.23.03 @ 8:00 p.m.

Well. After all THAT angst, and my resolution not to speak to my father (childish as it was) I've gotten along with him rather well this afternoon and evening. I'm surprised.

I'm learning to cook, after a fashion. I can read a recipe fairly well and do as it says, and baking has never really been a problem for me. Besides, I took a class in Gourmet Foods in high school. (Yes, fluff elective. Sue me.) So tonight I produced one of my favorites, surprisingly a meatless dish. Egg and Potato Bake. It's a casserole of hard boiled egg and potato with this cheese and worchestershire sauce. Mmm. It goes really, really well with ham. We had turkey ham tonight. Oh man, I'm so full. It's a lot of preparation, though. And I managed to cut one of my fingernails frighteningly short with the potato peeler.

Before anyone freaks out, no blood, and the nail was still attached. It's just annoyingly short and on my left hand, which makes me wonder if I can stand to play guitar with it like this, because it's very uncomfortable.

And I also nearly cut my thumb open while slicing the same potatoes. Jeez. I'm starting to think it's a bit work intensive for a kind of bland dish. But then, when Mom helps me cook, we skip important spicing steps that Dad always reminds me of. Like cooking the potatoes with salt. And I'll have to remember to salt and pepper the sauce next time. Except E* has a very low tolerance for anything the least bit hot, including pepper. Strange girl.

Tacos aren't a problem, Dad has taught me to make his most excellent tacos before. I'm going to learn his lentils and beef recipe this summer, though! I just need the practice until I get to the point where I can improvise. I forsee a lot of stir fry next year.

What I need to learn is what we have for the kitchen already. And the house in general. I feel domestic saying so, but I'm enjoying skulking around secondhand shops for kitchen furnishings. I'm also compulsively buying candles. Woohoo! We couldn't have them in the dorms, see. E* and I both anticipate a lot of candles in our house.

Man. I'll look back on this and laugh... you know, after we've accidentally burned the house down.

Last night I bought webspace and registered a domain name for our kennel. Exciting, no? My webdesign skills aren't fantastic, not yet anyway, but it's now my responsibilty to design the kennel website. The URL is being placed in an ad in some dog magazine, possibly the German Shepherd Review. Eeek. So much pressure. I have to scan some pictures we just got back of Billy. One is just gorgeous, a magnificent head shot of the dog. It's one of the finest dog images I think I've seen.

Martha thinks Jack and Meg White are the undead. Hahaha. Man, do I love the White Stripes.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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