hello operator

06.20.03 @ 1:30 p.m.

Man, I hate it when cool people leave Diaryland. Bye Nessa. *sigh* You have so spoiled my morning!

Anyway. So my dad is the coolest dad in history yet again because he bought me a copy of the White Stripes' De Stijl this morning. He listened to "Little Bird" and declared "There's hope for your generation yet." Martha sent me an email last night I'm guessing saying that the Portland Mercury wrote that Jack White and Renee Zellweger are an item. Whaaa? Actually, I think they called him "decidedly unattractive indie rocker Jack White." Ow. I'm blowing out my eardrum by listening to this CD loud enough for Dad to hear it downstairs. So that's neat.

Last night was just about the greatest night ever. I went to a taping of Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, the NPR newsquiz show. Oh my lord, it was just about the funniest thing ever. It'll air tomorrow and Sunday. Apparently it was the biggest live audience they've ever played for. They filled the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, which is pretty danged impressive. But then, Portland is a public radio city. It's like the only city in the country where NPR has some of the highest radio ratings. What does it say about the character of our city that we also have the most strip clubs per capita of any major city in the US? Go Portland, wooo! Haha. It was fantastic, just great. Hilarious, really. Carl Kassell came out at the beginning with big signs that said "Hi, I'm Carl Kassell."
"The Bigwigs at NPR are listening"
"For $100...."
"I will say your name in a newscast."
"See me after the show."

There was also a baseball game last night, and it would seem that Thursdays are dollar beer night, so when the MAX train stopped at PGE Park, the train was packed with kids and creepy, beery old men. Whoo, fun.

So I'm eager to hear "Wait Wait" this weekend, to see what was cut out, 'cause Roy really rambled about Missle Defence for about five minutes.

Mmm. Lunchtime, I think.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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