stuck in a moment

06.02.03 @ 12:17 p.m.

I am definately feeling the stress here. Actually, I'm not at this very moment. I chose to nap between Philosophy and Italian (amazingly, I actually AM attending class, though I'll probably skip Astronomy) and ended up lazily (and purposefully) sleeping through half of Italian. The clever part of my plan was in going to the last fifteen minutes of class. That way, I was able to rendevous with my partner and I was there to sign up for our exam appointment. I am CLE-VER. And I got an extra twenty minutes of nap time. When I'm done here, I'm going to get some lunch and I think maybe take a stab at the big reorganization my outline needs. I just know I'm going to get lazy and sloppy now with the project, especially the "Main Assertions" section of the annotations. Because I am not reading two books and countless insanely huge government documents today. No siree. I am not crazy, just stupid, apparently.

It's really annoying that somehow in the last few days all the cookies in my browser expired. So my counter on this page stopped ignoring my hits, I'm logged out of a number of message boards and my Amazon account, and yet, for reasons I cannot fathom, I'm still logged in to my mail account, though I haven't used it since late last night. I'd almost get suspicious if I thought there was any reason for anyone to want to get into my mailbox. Or that they'd have my password. It's completely non-obvious. I just thought about changing it, but I realized my idea for a new one is completely obvious.

Mmm, still in love with the White Stripes. I taped De Stijl last night. And U2's All That You Can't Leave Behind. E* went into a panic when she realized I had left my sharing thing on, worrying that they'll shut down the ethernet ports in our room. I placated her and shut it off, but come one. The other people on this subnet are all university students, they're all still here. And for once, we're not violating copyright. I don't think they shut you down without you doing serious high volume exchange at any rate. But it's flattering to think that there were two people digging through my highly eclectic music collection last night. Whee. I love music sharing. I am inamoured of the cassette tape lately, too, unfortunately this means that I managed to break the reverse motor in one of the tape decks on my stereo. Damn.

My stereo is self-destructing, I think. It doesn't like to play CDs unless I use a cleaner a bunch of times and even then, it's still finicky. Now I stop using the CD player in favor of a) my mix tape from Jessica b) my White Blood Cells/Elephant tape and c) my De Stijl/U2 tape. So now it doesn't autoreverse. Or rewind in deck B. Which is annoying because deck B is the only one that records.

I still haven't gotten around to adding Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason to my booklist, but I did enjoy it. Persuasion is my second favorite Austen book, and so far, Helen Fielding hasn't disappointed me. Although Rebecca felt a little more desperately Caroline Bingley to me than Louisa Musgrove. Or Isabella Thorpe, yeah, Rebecca was a bit Isabella Thorpe-ish. Grasping. Seeking the most prestigious match. Or maybe Elizabeth Elliot.

How many Austen names can I drop, eh?



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
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harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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