blitzkrieg bop

05.15.03 @ 12:07 p.m.

*Sigh*... see what a little stress does to me? On top of everything else I'm apparently determined to drive myself insane over Slavik. Well, enough of that. I honestly don't care when I'm not talking myself into making everything far more dramatic than it is.

And don't I have enough stress, now that I've firmly convinced myself that I'm going to fail infohell? It's due in three weeks. Slightly less, actually. Twenty days. And I am so fucked. So today's plan is: map out what I actually do have, even if I haven't really read or evaluated them; go to the library and start filling gaps; figure out what the hell I'm going to do about my remaining interviews; finish the outline, which I think I started nicely. Some info about PERS, the Public Employee Retirement, uh, System I think, which is, you know, the retirement plan for all public employees. It's tanking with the stock market, and while the governor is arguing that it needs to be reformed and reformed now, teachers are saying "What the fuck? Why didn't you fix things when the economy was good and it was possible to reorganize without screwing everyone over? And anyway, it's not as big an issue as you'd like it to be."

Oooooh, I hate myself so much right now. So much. My wish is that I at least pull a passing grade so that I NEVER HAVE TO DO THIS AGAIN. Miserable, evil class... Ah, well, I suppose I better get to it, right?



fuck it @ 08.01.05
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