me and julio down by the schoolyard

05.02.03 @ 10:36 a.m.

It's another gorgeous day, can you believe it? I suppose I'm so much in shock because up until, well, this week it's been really dreadful weather. Rain like crazy. It was only a week ago that I was headed up to Corvallis with Moni in that dreadful hail/thunder/lightning storm. Fancy that. I think it started getting nice that Saturday, because it was nice when Martha was driving me to Eugene.

I feel slightly guilty for writing Pete Townshend's birthday on my calendar in silver pen when I didn't even mark down my own father's birthday. But only very slightly. I feel MORE like an obsessive dork, but that's okay, that's how I always feel.

The sun from the window is going to burn through my arm. I know it. I'm not prepared for sun. I was looking at my leg against the white sheets the other day and there is almost no color difference. However, I still think I'm too overweight for shorts to be comfortable, so the jeans will be around for a while. I cannot believe this, but I'm actually making a half-assed (VERY half-assed) attempt to diet. Or at least reform my terrible, terrible habits. Chocolate has been brutally cut from my life this week. Breakfast is being consumed, albeit in the form of NutriGrain bars. Pop (people always ask if I say 'pop' or 'soda'... I alternate so much that I don't really know. I guess I say 'pop' more) has also been pretty much cut. Except diet. I've been drinking milk and diet Sierra Mist. Except that Sierra Mist has no actual fruit flavors in it, yuck. What I would totally kill for is a case of Fresca. Damn this school for being Pepsi affiliated! I thought I would never say it, but there it is. I think I'm going to have to walk to PC market today and buy myself a 12 pack. Mmm, Fresca.

What I also wanted to say but don't have time to elaborate on because I have to practice my Italian: I was looking out the window during J202 lab and noticed just how many evergreens there are on the lawn between Allen, Lawrence, Deady, Fenton, and, ah, Villard. The one with the big pioneer statue that Jebediah Springfield is allegedly based on. (Or so I hear--Groening is a local boy.) I realize that I really love trees, I don't think I could live without them. They've been a constant fixture in my life. I felt all weird in Ireland where there weren't very many and in SoCal where they're all palms and such.

Okay. Must go. Now. Writing is so very tempting, but I'll force myself to memorize my situazioni.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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