empty glass

04.27.03 @ 5:50 p.m.

I am now the proud owner of a Pete Townshend solo album. Empty Glass. It must be fate when one wanders into Borders to buy a copy of the book Holes and stumbles across a low priced copy of one of Pete's albums, no? A copy of Odds & Sods was two dollars less than what I paid at Music Millennium, which I would be more upset about if a) I didn't rather like MM, and b) my mom didn't pay for it.

Last night I had another lovely long conversation with Slavik. (If anyone else tells me I should "Go for it" with him, I shall scream.) This conversation revealed that our Slavik is a bit insecure, or at the very least rather like me. He was all shocked that we would think of him when he isn't around and thinks he looks totally unremarkable. This is completely not the case. Poor boy probably doesn't realize that most of his female friends have likely had some kind of minor crush on him at one point or another. I told him about the dreams we had about him the other night. He seemed amused and thought that they were pretty accurate to how he'd behave.

I think I'm slowly brainwashing him. He mentioned wanting to listen to Tommy someday. Meh heh.

I am so pissed now, I can't listen to Empty Glass because someone is playing their goddamn bagpipes outside (badly, too!) and it's mingling into the songs and making it all weird. I've got "You Better You Bet" playing somewhat loudly to compensate. Of course, now that I'm playing songs I know, the bagpipes stop. I bet if I switched back to Townshend they'd start up again, because the universe likes to taunt me like that.

Agh. Well, I have philosophy reading yet to do, I think on the musically beautiful, and I want to read more of Holes.



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