smoke smoke smoke

04.26.03 @ 10:09 p.m.

Fucking hell. First some morons steal a couch and shove it in the dumpster. I notice this as I go cash out my food service points for the week at nine. I think "Who puts what appears to be a perfectly good couch in the dumpster?" I decide that something really nasty must have been spilled on it. I shrug, I move along, I go buy a box of Nilla wafers and a bottle of green tea. I think of it no more.

9:45-ish. I am mindlessly watching My Hero, a British sitcom about an alien superhero posing as a simpleminded Irishman in England. The fire alarm goes off. Out in the hall there is commotion and much swearing. I find shoes, grabbed my keys, and join the swearing crowd in the hall, adding a vehement "Goddamn it!" as I lock my door. We head down the usual staircase and are almost out the door when Blythe shouts "Beth!" who is right in front of me and we look up to realize that it's the dumpster outside the door (with the aforementioned couch) that's flaming merrily, prompting the fire alarm. It's not a drill this time. It's not some asshole who pulled the alarm to piss us all off. It's an honest to god fire and I'M ABOUT TO WALK RIGHT INTO IT. Back into the building and down the hall to the other doors and out into the street to watch what I'm sure would be a cheerful bonfire, if it didn't stink of melting plastics and burning garbage. Hmmmm.

It's several minutes before the fire trucks come, or really anyone comes and tells us to cross the street away from the fire. A tall pillar of smoke rises toward the sky. Everbody mills around, moving from group to group, gossiping.

Finally they let us back into the building. Our room smells faintly of burning plastic. Luckily I had closed the window early on. I looked out the window to see what I could see, and a policemen looked up, looked me right in the eye and said,


I'm enough of a dork to pull back, drop the blinds, and go back to my business.



fuck it @ 08.01.05
fanciful imaginary sea voyages to come @ 07.20.05
*dies* @ 07.19.05
more ootp @ 07.17.05
harry potter: driving our children into devil worship @ 07.17.05
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