the princess and the warrior

04.26.03 @ 4:53 p.m.

First things first: I love o-firefly-o's current entry ("i'm one"). Personally, I went to prom with my good friend Martha. We were sick of being badgered by our friend to go and at the very least we could cruise the perimeter of the crowd and make the occasional snarky remark to one another. A surprising amount of my social efforts go toward amusing Martha. I was never much for social stuff, Martha is much better than me at that. It was all right, but not spectacular.

Now, Corvallis was fun, more fun I think I anticipated. I was so sure I wasn't going to spend the night, so I didn't PACK anything, which kind of sucked because then I felt completely filthy and gross this morning until I got a chance to take an extremely long shower this afternoon. I don't think I would have felt so gross if I hadn't slept in my clothes.

The initial group was Martha, Andrew, Amy, Paige, and me. Moni drove me up to Corvallis and we had pleasant conversation the whole way. It was a dark and stormy afternoon, to mangle a clich�. There was hail and much lightning which slowed our progress to the north. I helped cook the ground turkey (with taco seasoning) that was used to make some super-excellent bean dip--say what you will about Andrew, the man can cook. There was an excess of food. Bean dip warred (and generally won) against fruit salad, a veggie pizza, salsa con queso (the snack food equivalent of crack to Andrew, Martha, and me), and lots of cookies. There was also a veggie-noodle casserole that I don't think anyone really ate. And high power garlic bread, a key component to any Martha/Andrew meal. We all clustered around the little coffee table that practically trembled with the weight of all the food on it (though stuff like the pizza stayed in the kitchen) and had our usual extremely loud conversations. We all yell to be heard over each other, so long as you use yell in the sense of talking rather loudly, not like screaming at each other. We have a lot of vocal enthusiasm when we all get together.

A large part of the evening involved us playing the "VH1 Pop Up Video" board game. Yeah, I've never heard of it either. It was a lot of music trivia stuff. The funny thing is that I initially didn't want to play because I'm rather out of touch with music culture post-1977, but until we quit scoring, I was kicking serious butt. I'm a good guesser, I... guess. Hah. Clinton (eloquent gay fella) eventually showed up while we were just randomly reading the cards on the videos we knew/liked and there was a bit of time devoted to playing sing-along. Andrew didn't know the Rufus Wainwright "Across the Universe" was a Beatles cover. I chose to enlighten him. It was fun. Martha knew just about every one, but she's a huge pop culture junkie. There was some rich nearly to the point of 'ugh' quintuple or something chocolate ice cream pie. It was a bit much. Post pie, several people left, not en masse but more as a trickle. Another guy I didn't know showed up.

For those keeping score at home, the population of Andrew and Amy's house is now three straight girls and two gay boys. We decided to watch a movie, namely The Princess and the Warrior. Wow. I really liked this movie... of course, pretty much everyone in attendance felt that Bodo was "freaking hot" and that Steini looked at times like a deranged version of mutual friend Slavik. I thought it was really good, even if the ending was slightly odd. It was in German with subtitles, which was cool. I like watching films in other languages. I like it way better than dubbing.

Of course, by deeming Steini "deranged Slavik", we ended up with the notorious Ukranian firmly stuck in our minds. I dreamt that this kind of crazy girl was in love with Slavik, engaged to him at first which made me resentful in an envy of couplehood but then it became evident that the girl was a bit nutso. If you left her alone in a room with food, it ended up on every surface seemingly accidentally. Toward the end of the dream, I jokingly suggested to Slavik that he pretend to be engaged to someone and he grabbed my arm and said "You do it!" Which, in the end, was kind of fun. Bizarre things, dreams. Martha also had a dream about Slavik, or rather he was present in her dream. Mostly, she said that Amy and Slavik were in her German class and for extra credit they could clean the Portland Streetcar after class. Amy and Slavik were very dilligent about hosing it down, but Martha was more apathetic. The end.

I was up until 3 or later two nights ago. Last night I was up until 5. I think I've slept a total of about 10 hours out of the last 48. I was really up and hyper, but now that I've showered and am just sitting on my bed, exhaustion is starting to take hold. And I'm kind of hungry, I don't think I've eaten anything except Oreos and Nutter Butters today.

Oh, PS--Thanks to Martha, I now have Buddy Holly's Greatest Hits, an Oasis album ("I think you'd like them"), and a scattering of other songs. Of course, I feel like a little bit of an idiot for not realizing that I know the Pete Townshend song "Let My Love Open the Door" at least vaguely. I really had no idea that song was Pete, which really surprised Martha. She feels it sounds very "Who-y". I haven't listened to it in it's entirety yet. But I'm very glad to have it. I guess Martha thought I've been a Who fan for longer than I have and didn't realize I don't have any Who solo work yet. I also got the Doors' "Touch Me" which has me kinda stoked.

PPS--I don't know if I ever linked this but it crazy and disturbing the point that Martha and I kept making remarks about cling-film.



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